The Almay monthly Register Rewards deals and the B1G1 50% off weekly offer are combining to make some fabulous bargains right now!
All Almay cosmetics are currently ringing up buy one get one free instead of buy one get one 50% off, so that makes the mascara deal free, plus you can score a moneymaker on foundation and am eye shadow, lip gloss or mascara better than free.
Scenario #1:
Almay One Coat Mascara, psa $6.99 (ringing up BOGO)
$4/1 Almay Walgreens November Coupon Booklet (auto deducts $8)
FREE after coupon!
*Note: You must have a filler item worth at least $1.01 to absorb the overage.
Scenario #2:
Buy Almay Pure Blends Foundations at $9.99
Buy Almay Pure Blends Shadow, Lip Gloss, or Mascara psa $6.99
Pay $9.99 after BOGO sale and get back $15 in RRs — money maker!
(Thanks, Melanie!)
They are BOGO 1/2 off in So Cal, still a good deal
I just purchased two of the one coat mascaras ($8, using the $4 off coupon, that automatically doubled). One rang in at $7.99 and the other $6.99 ($3.50 after the 1/2 off). One package had an eyeliner and the other makeup remover. I used a previous RR and got everything for free. Now I have a nice stock of makeup and lotion to give to my sisters for Christmas, yay!
for some reason I can only see the first 50 comments – what do I need to do to see the last contributions??
Tara Kuczykowski
Anne, click on the links at the top or bottom of the list that say “Previous Comments.”
Amanda Moak
I purchased the one coat mascaras today in Myrtle Beach, SC. One store rang up BOGO and then I went to another store later in the day and they rang up BOGO 1/2 off. Either way, a great deal! I paired both transactions with the Almay Pure Blends Foundation and ended up with $20 RR.