As I’ve mentioned in years past, Easter is a pretty low-key holiday for our family. My kids know the true reason for the celebration, but even so, we do like to treat them to a little something special. We typically keep it very budget-friendly, usually centered around some sort of theme. We did an outdoor activity basket one year and a Peeps taste test basket last year (HUGE hit! But typically we avoid so much candy).
This year, after perusing the wide assortment of Easter goodies at Walmart, I decided that I could budget $10 per child and still put together a pretty cute Easter basket filled with useful items. After all, who cares if something is inexpensive if it’s junk that will never get used? It’s the whole cheap versus frugal conundrum…
Anyhow, I was particularly happy with the basket I put together for my preteen daughter. She’s 11, and that age is just SO hard to buy for! I know she’s going to love it, so let me show you what I came up with for under $10.
In addition to the cute stuffed bunny rabbit ($0.98) and Reese’s Pieces carrot ($1) pictured at the top of this post, I also picked up a colorful foam-covered notebook ($0.98), a dozen pencils ($0.98), and a sheet of pretty foiled butterfly stickers ($0.97). My girl loves to draw and write notes, so I know she’ll appreciate these items.
This bunny tic-tac-toe set ($0.98) is really cute, and as long as we can manage to keep all of the pieces together, I suspect it will get a lot use on road trips. The bunny rabbit chalk ($0.98) should be a hit, as well, because drawing!
And finally, I tossed in a package of classic Peeps ($1), because even though they gross me out, my kids love them!
After picking up a plastic Easter basket and package of Easter grass (both $0.98 ea.), my grand total came to $9.83. Not bad, huh?! I’m so excited to see what she thinks about it on Easter morning.
What are you stuffing in your Easter basket(s) this year?
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