Have you tried the Whole Grain Pop-Tarts yet? I swapped them out for the regular Pop-Tarts, and my kids didn’t blink an eye. You might as well try them for yourself since you can get them FREE at Target right now!
Kellogg’s Whole Grain Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts, $1.52
$1/1 Whole Grain Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts Target printable
$2/2 Kellogg’s Select Fiber-Added Products, exp. 10-11-09 (RP 8/30/09)
2 FREE after 1 manufacturer and 2 Target coupons!
(Thanks, K10 of the World!)
It’s not too late to pair this with the Kellogg’s Fuel for School MIR!
And you can also pick up some FREE Crystal Light once again! Remember you can find these 3-pack sizes in the checkout lanes.
Crystal Light On The Go (3-pks.), $0.99
$2/2 Crystal Light Drink Mix Products, exp. 10-10-09 (SS #3 9/13/09)
FREE after coupon!
(Thanks, Cha-Ching On A Shoestring!)
Check out the other weekly Target deals here.
Couponers United
Thank you!! We JUST ran out of pop tarts!
Did anyone else not get the crystal lite coupons? I was so bummed!
How are the poptarts free? $1 off seems like it will be .52?
Tara Kuczykowski
LaVonne, one is a Target coupon and the other is a manufacturer coupon, so you can stack them on the deal.
At Target is it better to use the ManQ or the Target Q first or does it matter?
Yum! I love the Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts. Thanks for sharing!
I did a deal similar to this tonight. I used $1/1 Target Coupon + $1/2 any Poptarts (Kellogs Insert 8/02) and was able to score each box as a slight money maker (my boxes were marked as $1.46/each).
You can read about my trip more at daughterofprudence.wordpress.com if you’d like.
Thanks for all the great matchups!
You can even use 2 of the Target q’s, since you’re buying two boxes, and make $.96 back. ($3.04 – $2/2 MC – two $1/1 Target = $4.) Some of the other websites that are reporting on this say that their poptarts are as much as $2.29 a box – so be sure to use two Target q’s if your boxes are that expensive.
So if you only have mq it would be .04 for two right??? (.02 each) Which is still a great deal if you ask me.
Kristen, I thought that you couldn’t get the overage back from Target. I may be wrong but I think that they are suppose to adjust the coupon to the price of the item if the coupon is worth more than the item.
I don’t understand why you can use 2 $2/2 manufacturer coupons for only 2 items. Wouldn’t you need to buy 4 boxes to use 2 coupons? I’m kind of out of it cause it’s late but will someone please help me understand? Thanks!
wow !!!
This product is really nice and helpful.
I’m pretty sure (unless you have a REALLY nice cashier) that you can only use 1 TargetQ per transaction, and NO overage.
Bianca…I was thinking the same thing. I think it might be a mistype or something. Maybe she meant 2 Target and 1 Manufacturer ( since the mq is for 2 boxes)
Okay…Duh…I see it now…It’s just too early.
Tara Kuczykowski
Sorry about that — I did type it backwards. You should use 1 manufacturer and 2 Target coupons.
I had an awesome cashier at Target yesterday! I used several Target coupons & man. coupons in one transction & even got the overage. She was very excited about how much money I saved.
Tara I have a question…Can you use 2 Target coupons per 1 manufacturer? I thought it was only 1 m and 1 T coupon per items. I just want to make sure you can beofre I going to Target with my 3 screaming little ones.
Man there’s alot of Jennifer’s here…LOL
Tara Kuczykowski
Jennifer, you’re buying 2 boxes of Pop-Tarts, so the manufacturer’s coupon covers both of them. You can use one Target coupon per item, so you can use two Target coupons.
The Target coupons do state one per transaction, but this is selectively enforced by stores (and sometimes by cashier within a store). I’ve never had a problem using more than one personally.
Oh Okay. Thank you Tara. I wonder if my kiddos will like them!!
I just came target hoping to get the tag book deal but it was regular price.Luckily I got the Hasboro game for 0.99 cents!! as I was walking I noticed they had mark down alot of back to school stuff at 75%.I got 5 notebooks for .15 cents,I got a 2 subject note book by mead $1.47, on the cover of the notebook was a free subscription to seventeen magazine!!!!!!