exciting new features of the Deal Seeking Mom Coupon Database with you.
Today, we wanted to tell you about some additional features that have been added to the Personal Coupon Boxes.
As a Deal Seeking Mom reader, you are able to set up a free account here at Deal Seeking Mom (it takes just a minute!) to be able to track the coupons in your personal stash so that you can quickly and easily search, sort and match them to current store deals to maximize your savings.
With the newest version of the database, you’re also able to:
- Edit the details of any coupon to correct any regional differences between what we have listed and what you received in your newspaper insert.
- Add your own notes about any coupon.
- Add additional coupons to your Personal Coupon Box that aren’t listed in the main database.
- Delete multiple coupons at once.
Refer to the Coupon Database instructions for help setting up your Personal Coupon Box! As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email us at [email protected].
Mandi Ehman is a work-at-home mom to four little girls! In addition to working as the Project Administrator here at Deal Seeking Mom, she can also be found blogging at Organizing Your Way and Doodles’ Place.