I’m always surprised at the amount of loose change my kids find laying around. They’re masters at spotting dropped change in parking lots, coins left in return change slots on pop machines, nickels wedged into park benches, etc…
I suppose they come by it honestly. I remember being 16 years old, searching the couch cushions for loose change to put a few gallons of gas in my car — you know, back when gas was like $0.89 a gallon.
These days spare change doesn’t go nearly as far when filling up your gas tank, but that doesn’t mean that we should just cast it aside. Those pennies and dimes still add up to dollars over time!
A couple of years ago we decided, as a family, to save all of our loose change. I set out a mason jar in the kitchen, which was quickly filled to overflowing. So I purchased a vintage glass water jug off of One Kings Lane, and now it sits in our entryway where it’s easy for each family member to drop in their contributions.
Oh, we’re a loooonnnngg way from filling it up, but we definitely have a goal in mind…. These days my kids like to show it off to their friends and tell them it’s our “Hawaii fund.” I honestly don’t even know if our jug can hold enough change to pay for our family of 7 to take a trip to Hawaii, but by the time we (hopefully) fill it up, all of our kids should be old enough to fully enjoy and cherish the memories of such a trip.
In the meantime, I’m enjoying watching my kids delight in checking the rising level of our saved pennies (and nickels, dimes and quarters), knowing that they’re learning how to make a conscious decision to save.
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This post is brought to you by Kimberly-Clark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Saving for a 50th anniversary party. We will be married 50 years in 3 more years. Can’t be married for 50 years without celebrating. So throwing ourselves a big part to celebrate.
Rebecca D
We’re saving for a new fence for our backyard. Our current one is about to fall over.
We are saving our pennies to go on a cruise.
Melissa M
For Christmas.
Linda Kish
I’m saving for an XBoxOne for my son.
We are saving for our first home!
I am saving my pennies for CHRISTMAS GIFTS!
Amanda Paige
a trip to disney!
Tamara N
I am saving my pennies for a kitchen remodel which is so desperately needed in my home.
Nancy P
Just in time for allergy season!!!
Lacey C.
Saving up for a new (used) car!
Dawn T
New roof!
saving for a fall getaway with my husband!
Leigh Anne Borders
We are saving our pennies for a vacation to Disney one day!
wendy rozema
Saving for a vacation :)
we’re saving our pennies for some home renovations. new bathroom, here we come!
Susan Christy
A Thundershirt for my dog that suffers from anxiety.
Amanda W
Saving to take an awesome vacation once my husband gets out of the army!
I would have to say that it would be for next years school essentials
Zella Mckheen
We save our pennies (Change) for hard times……..
Cori Westphal
A new car! I’ve had mine for 13 years and just can’t seem to come up with money to get a new one!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Carmen N
Saving for Christmas and a little girl’s birthday.