It worked for me, and Becca says thank you for posting the deal and saving her money on buying puppy food for Morgan her teeny tiny service companion dog.
For those of you planning on donating to shelters… if you have a Kmart doing doubles near you the buy 1 get 1 free foods from the 9/13 and other inserts plus some online coupons double to both being free. Same thing with some of the treats that are $1 off. I am going at the end of this week to donate over $100 worth of cat food. I keep the dog food because I have a doberman who even in this economy I refuse to give up.
Cristy G
URL not working.
This link doesn’t work, I get this message:
We’re sorry, the referring URL is not valid for this campaign
Hope it will work soon. Thank you for posting it though.
I love DealSeeking Mom!!!!
Tara Kuczykowski
Sorry about that — I guess you can’t link directly to the offer page. It should work now!
It worked! Thanks! It said I should I should receive it in 6-8 weeks.
I keep getting the same error when I click on get free voucher. Am I clicking on wrong thing?
Deanna Dill
Thanks! This will come in handy! No problems w/ the link. :)
It worked for me, and Becca says thank you for posting the deal and saving her money on buying puppy food for Morgan her teeny tiny service companion dog.
This worked for me… even if you don’t have a pet, it’s a great way for someone on a budget to donate to the local animal shelter!!
Thanks for the offer! I plan on donating to the local shelter!
Dizzy Mommy
For those of you planning on donating to shelters… if you have a Kmart doing doubles near you the buy 1 get 1 free foods from the 9/13 and other inserts plus some online coupons double to both being free. Same thing with some of the treats that are $1 off. I am going at the end of this week to donate over $100 worth of cat food. I keep the dog food because I have a doberman who even in this economy I refuse to give up.
I tired to inout my puppy’s date of birth but your drop down does not include the year 2010.