If you’re looking for a deal on the Monsters vs. Aliens movie that’s being released tomorrow, it looks like CVS might be your best bet for a deal. When you buy $20 of select Coke or Hershey’s products this week, you’ll receive an instant discount of $15 off the price of the movie!
Participating products:
- Hershey’s Jumbo Bag Treats, $5
- Coke 12-Packs or Dasani 12-packs, 3/$11
- Coke 2-Liter, Powerade 32-oz., Vitamin Water 20-oz., or Smartwater 1-Liter, 3/$4
Best scenario (Tuesday through Saturday only):
Buy (3) Coke 12-Packs, 3/$11
Buy (2) Hershey’s Jumbo Bag Treats, $5
Buy Monster vs. Aliens DVD, $19.99
Use $5/$25 CVS Flu Survey Coupon
Just $20.99 for everything after $15 instant savings!
So basically you’re getting everything for the cost of the movie which is pretty good! I couldn’t find any coupons that match up with the participating products, so if you know of any, please share.
Update: Dealicious Mom just shared with me that there is also a $4 Monsters vs. Aliens mail-in rebate (PDF) available when you purchase two family-size packages of Hostess products.
Thank you so much for posting this. I was wondering who was going to have the best deal for this movie and debating on whether or not I should get it at Best Buy to get the plush toy.
I am so excited about this deal. I actually went to cvs yesterday and made 3 transactions. #1- Vaseline Sheer Infusion #2- 4 boxes Tide and 1 Dawn #3-3 packs coke, 2 bags hersheys, 3 vitamin waters(thought I had to spend 25). My total OOP for all 3 deals was 28.50 and I got the coupon for $15 off the movie. I plan on going back tomorrow and using a $4 off purchase of $20 and my $15 coupon. So hopefully I will only have to pay a little OOP making everything I got under $30. I’m still learning about getting the best deals. I look at it more like I was planning on buying the movie for 15.99, so technically I got all the items mentioned above for less than $15!
Toni G
I’m confused about this offer. Is there an instant $15 coupon for the movie at the store?
Tara Kuczykowski
Toni, when you buy $20 of select Coke or Hershey’s products this week, you’ll receive an instant discount of $15 off the price of the movie.
The only coupon that is out there is for $1.00/3 Hershey’s fun size candies (that was in the 9-27 RP). Too bad it wasn’t $1.00/2 – huh?!?
Tara Kuczykowski
Yeah, and I think the fun size is different from the jumbo size anyhow. :(
Do you have to buy them in the same transaction?
dana lowery
The best scenario I came up with is buying these items for transaction 1-(1)bounty basic paper towels $6
(2)two bottles of tide $6 ea.
(3)three bottles of dawn $1 ea
(4)tide stain release $4
Then you use (1).25 bounty coupon,(1).25 dawn coupon,(1)1.50 t-ide stain release coupon,(2)1.00 tide coupons
Use your $5/$25,with all coupons brings it down to $16.00 plus lower if you have ECB’s.Plus you get $10 more in ECB’s for p&g saver.So after that get 2 bags of candy $10.00, 3 coke products$11.00 and movie$4.99 .
TOTAL-26.00 if you can use another $5/$25 plus $10 ECB’s from p&g deal.
Tara Kuczykowski
Macey, generally for ECB deals you can do more than one transaction, but as this is an instant savings, I’m not sure if it would work if you break it up.
I’m in CA and my local grocery store ads usually always carry coupons for coke products, you guys should check them out. Even tho they’re attached to the store ad, they say manufacturers coupon on it so you can use it anywhere. I happen to have dasani coupons that were mailed to me from betty crocker so we’ll see how this deal works!
Oh, one question: I have to buy $20 of participating products. If I want to use the $5 off $25 coupon, does it have to be 25 before taxes or does it not matter?
Is the $5off $25 survey coupons still available?
Tara Kuczykowski
Jenna, yes, your subtotal before taxes needs to be at least $25.
Yesi, as far as I know the coupon is still available. If you click on the link above, it will take you to the post I did on it.
Yes, the 5/25 coupon is available. I just took the flu quiz last night.
Macey, not sure if this answers your question, but I have a reciept from yesterday where I purchased to bottles of Dawn and a couple other items not tied to the movie incentive. At the bottom of the reciept under the header This Week’s Extra Buck Offers, it says…
Tide, Spend 25 get 10 EB
Amount toward this reward 2.oo
Amount needed to earn reward 23.00
So, I’m not sure, but that leads me to believe it is cumulative.
Sorry, that should be “two” bottles of Dawn, not “to”
You know what? I’m not thinking straight. I’m not even talking about the right promo. So sorry, ladies. Please disregard. I have a newborn at home and sleep isn’t my friend lately.
This is how I did this deal – I bought $20 worth of products in one transaction and used the $4 off of $20 purchase coupon that seems to print weekly at the bottom of my receipt. Since the movie doesn’t come out until tuesday, a $15 coupon printed at the bottom of my receipt. I plan to go back tomorrow and buy the movie along with the Thermacare wraps (or other $5 purchase) and use the flu survey $5 off of $25 coupon. I’m hoping this works! If it does, it seems like a better deal to me since I will be able to use two $ off purchase coupons instead of just one when it becomes an instant deal off the purchase of it all together.
Jewel had $2 off 3, 12 packs of coke peelies.
Isn’t this a Sony Dreamworks movie? Can you combine the $2 Sony staycation coupon with the CVS $15 one?
oops. nevermind. I was thinking Sony Wonder.
Thanks for the info. I took a prescription in for my husband and I have a $25 gift card coupon for a new or tranferred prescription that will pay for this awesome deal!
I bought mine today, thanks! I bought the coke produvts yesterday so a $15 coupon printed out. Also, some Huggies Swimmers on Clearance for $0.89!!! I was so excited https://momsessential.blogspot.com/2009/09/cvs-huggies-swimmers-clearanced.html
Hi girls!
I went to CVS yesterday and purchased (6) 12 packs of coke/dasani products which came out to 21.96 + tax = 24.10 + crv = 27.70 … So I made the $20 mark for participating products and $25 mark for flushot coupon. The movie at 4.99 after $15 coupon + tax = 5.47 … For a total of = 33.17 – $5 flu shot coupon = 28.17 – cvs $5 off $15 or more coupon that I had = 23.17 – 2.oo (dasani coupons) = 21.17 -3.00 (coke products coupon) GRAND TOTAL = $18.17!!!!
Second greatest deal of mine!
As of October 1, 2009, if you have an extraCare card with CVS you can also redeem your extraCare Rewards toward any purchase – Perhaps an additional incentive for those debating this deal during the last two days of the offer.
Took a new couponing friend with me and she was AMAZED when we both got this deal! I love it. The only hiccup I had was selecting the exact bags of chocolate for the promotion. Other than that – it was perfect. THANKS!!
CVS Monsters vs Aliens deal: Paid $8.96 oop.. Bought:
3-Dr.Peppers 12 pks(3/$11,
3-Dr. Pepper 2 liters 3/$4,
1-bag of Hershey candy ($5.00),
1- viologie shampoo ($1.99)
Monsters vs Aliens DVD.
Here is what I used:
$5/$25 flu quiz print out,
$10.00 ebc from P & G promo,
$1.50 ebc I got yesterday on my receipt
$2.00 coupon for shampoo,
Got the $15.00 off the DVD for spending $20 for the coke products & candy