Walgreens just released a 15% off coupon that’s valid Friday, July 31st only! No restrictions on using other coupons with this one, so you should be able to score some great deals.
Check out this week’s Walgreens Deals before you make the trip.
Thanks, MoJoSavings!
I have a coupon for $2.50 off of got2b hair items. They are on sale b1g1 at $5.99. So it’s .99 for both. If you use the 15% off even better. I did great this week. I did get the blow dryer and the $10.00 rr. Then I bought 2 rremmel nail polishes,nice n easy hair color,perfect10 hair color,2 got2b items,charmin 6 rolls, and a small package of m&ms. Used the store add and coupons from the paprer and coupons I printed. Total b4 coupons $49.97 omg no way. lol after coupons and tax it was $2.98 out of pocket. Yes that is all I paid. 2 boxes of hair dye,charmin,2 nail polishes,2 got2b items an m&ms . The girl was like I must have done something wrong. lol 3 bags of stuff . lol love! it love! love it ! If you find something like this let me know. I am new to couponing but I did good .
I am new to Walgreens….I see that when you click on the link to print the 15% off there are multiple coupons….can you use more than one? Thanks! Hillary =)
Tara Kuczykowski
Hillary, you can only use one of the 15% off coupons per transaction, but you can use other coupons in conjunction with them. I think the purpose of the multiple coupons is so you can share with friends and family.
Cheryl, thanks for the info on the got2b hair products, almost slipped by me. I used my $2.50 off coupons plus 15% off and got 2products for $0.09 x 3 .. total of $0.27 (plus tax of course) for 6 products. I saw the ad but I didn’t even notice the BOGO on got2b !! Anyway, thanks, luckily i used the coupons as they expire today…THANKS again!!