If you’re not already a fan of Walgreens on Facebook, you’ll want to become one ASAP. They’re going to have an exclusive offer for fans starting at 8:00 a.m. CST tomorrow morning (12/7). Let’s hope it’s something good!
Thanks, Coupon High!
If you’re not already a fan of Walgreens on Facebook, you’ll want to become one ASAP. They’re going to have an exclusive offer for fans starting at 8:00 a.m. CST tomorrow morning (12/7). Let’s hope it’s something good!
Thanks, Coupon High!
Hi thank you for all the great information! i wanted to know how do you find out what companies offer promotions via facebook?
I did get an email telling me if your on the facebook page tomrarow you will get free shipping on your order tomarrow.
I got the same e-mail!!
Same email here!
yeah, looks like free shipping to me
Disappointed, free shipping. I don’t shop online with Walgreens.
I just became a fan and it looks like everyone is PO’d w/ Walgreens and their special offer. LOL
Tara Kuczykowski
Bummer — not really what I was expecting either.
Kristin M
Wow, it’s like a hot guy with bad breath. Free shipping. Bummer indeed!
It’s hard to get excited about free shipping when all of the other stores are already offering that PLUS 25% off like Gymboree TODAY. Walgreens needs to get a bit more competitive to stay in the game.
I was so bummed and now it says site is down.
bleh…big deal. i got free shipping at cvs.com yest and 30% off everything.
free shipping for us – no shipping for walgreens!
cruddy offer, i’ll pass!
Booo … free shipping, get better deals in the store !
ms. drummer
Kristin M, hot guy with bad breath=Walgreens’ offer Hilarious!!!! I have my emails from facebook going to a different acct since they send so many of them, so I didnt even get the darn thing…not disappointed though. I was expecting a $/– off the purchase (before coupons) or something of that nature
Free shipping, big whooop. Hey Tara, why not cut and paste this list of comments and send it to Walgreens’ corporate headquarters. Let them know what we think of their “special offer.” First, they do away with the rebate program, now this. Rite Aid’s looking better every day!
What would anyone even buy online from Walgreens? Just curious.. I mean, unless they’re running a really good online sale + free shipping it doesn’t make sense to me.