There’s a fantastic FREE $0.25 deal on Kellogg’s Cereal at Target this week using those new Kellogg’s coupons I shared earlier today!
Select Kellogg’s Cereals, $2.66
Buy 3 get 1 FREE
Various Kellogg’s Printable Coupons
$1/1 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Touch of Honey printable
$1/1 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats Mini Bites printable
$1/1 Kellogg’s Special K Blueberry printable
$1/1 Kellogg’s Cereal Target printable
Suggested Scenario
Buy (4) Kellogg’s Cereals at $2.66 (B3G1)
Use (4) $1/1 Kellogg’s Printable Coupons
Use (3) $1/1 Kellogg’s Target Coupons
$0.25 ea. after coupons!
YMMV on using 4 Target coupons — some stores may allow you to only use 3 since one item is free. In this case the cereal would still be just $0.25 each which is still an awesome deal!
Update: The registers will only allow you to use 3 Target coupons. The fourth will bring up a message that you can’t use a coupon on a free item.
Also, it appears that all Kellogg’s cereals are qualifying for this offer; however, only a handful are at the $2.66 price point. The prices ranged from $2.66 to $3.99, so you final price may vary based upon the variety you purchase and the coupons you have.
My target has cereal as low as $2.39 ( Frosted Mini Wheats) Used 2 $1.50/2 and 3 target coupons. Wouldn’t let me use the 4th. Got 4 boxes for around $1
I did not use 30 coupons on this deal. I used 30 between 2 trips getting INDIVIDUAL cheese sticks. I did not clean them out of them which I wouldn’t do because that’s unfair, I left plenty so people still had the opportunity to get them. I shared the cheese with people in my community. All the food that I get a lot of because it’s free I give to the food pantry. I think everyone should chill your grill on this. Buying a lot is all legal and Target has a person that comes in every night and fills up what is empty. Everyone has a fair shot at getting what they want or need for themselves or for charity.
At my local Target in Central Texas the cereal was advertised as $2.66 but in store it was priced $2.34- the Mini Wheats were included- so I was able to use the $1/1 coupons and get 4 boxes for $0.02!
Tara Kuczykowski
Victoria, I don’t think Low was pointing fingers at anyone in particular. I think we’ve all run to the store on occasion for a deal only to find the shelves cleared, and that’s what she seemed to be worried about. I was just letting her know that at Target that’s generally not the case. I think it’s great that it allows you to donate to the local food pantry.
My Target would only let me use 3 of the $1 Target coupons, it looks like that is the case with most. And Anne, though I agree that a lot of Kelloggs cereals are high in sugar and don’t have much to offer in terms of nutritional value, there are some that are pretty healthy. Frosted Mini Wheats is part of the deal. Pretty high in Fiber and Protein (6 grams of each per serving) and the hubby loves it so that is great! I live on the West Coast where everything is expensive. I ended up getting 4 boxes for $3.42 but I looked for the boxes with the 75 cents off coupon Frosted Mini Wheats (Little Bites variety- the honey nut kind has 6 g of fiber and 5 g of protein per serving). Also, Raisin Bran has 7 g of fiber per serving and I believe is also part of the promo. Frosted Flakes was the cheapest (and I admit I broke down and bought some for my pregnancy dessert cravings). Also, make sure that you are getting a good deal by calculating the price per ounce of cereal. For instance, they had the 17 oz size for $2.66 and the 23 oz size for $2.99. Even the the 23 0z is more expensive, you are paying LESS per ounce of cereal and getting a much better deal! I always use the calculator on my cell phone, quick and handy.