Are you loving all the great Target deals this week? Here’s another fantastic find that reader Lisa just shared. Get Archer Farms Artisan Bread mini loaves for FREE after coupon!
I know that you posted the $1/1 Archer farms Artisan bread coupon, but did you know that they have mini loaves that are $.99? I was able to get 6 of them for free yesterday, all different varieties. I was told by the baker that they only make 2 of each in my store/day, so I should call ahead the day before and place an order to be safe.
Fantastic tip – thanks, Lisa!
Other Target deals not to be missed:
Just a note: Not all Target Supercenters are as accomodating. Mine refuses any coupons valued higher than the item (like the above mentioned breads) and every item must match the item pictured on their coupon (so no using Target Qs on travel size or single serving size items.) Yuck!
Me too! Suddenly Target is cracking down on coupons in my area. You cannot purchase trial size and they are refusing their own coupons too! But if you read their online coupon policy they say that they can bring the price of the coupon to the item price if it is lower. They obviously don’t follow it!!
My Target is cracking down on coupons also. I know some people in retail and they say it is because it is bringing their “price per unit” down. (It’s an average of the items sold versus how much was paid to them) They have goals and numbers to reach and if they think they can strong arm you, they will. This is how managers get their bonuses… by making their numbers. I bet they are sick of not making their numbers. However, I have printed a copy of their policy and plan on showing it to them when they tell me that they can’t. :)
My Target doesnt have some of the advertised specials that are announced on your website. I get to the store and the prices are not the same which leaves me disappointed and is a waste of my time. One examle is the Hasbro games. They were $17 and $20 at my Target.
Tara Kuczykowski
Cheryl, it sounds like you found the full-size games. The games that are priced at $4.99 are the travel size. Prices do vary occasionally by region. I’m really sorry, but unfortunately it’s not something I can control.
I did this yesterday and was SO excited when it worked! I got 6 mini loaves for FREE! I printed a whole bunch more as this expires in a few weeks so I will be eating great bread for free for a while.
Tara Kuczykowski
That’s great, Vanessa! We’ve had a lot of success freezing bread, so that’s always a good option too.