Get 100 FREE prints from Snapfish with any purchase. There aren’t any restrictions on this offer, so you could purchase a single print and use this code!
New members: I recommend registering for your FREE flip book and 50 FREE prints first. Then come back and follow the instructions below to get an additional 100 FREE prints. Wow!
How to get your 100 FREE prints:
- Login to Snapfish.
- Add 101 Photos to your cart.
- Use the code PRINTSNEW at checkout.
You’ll pay $0.09 for one photo plus approximately $5 for shipping!
Thanks, Adventures In Savings!
It worked great!!
Hi, I tried adding 101 pictures and using “PRINTSNEW” code at the checkout, but it shows:
“The coupon you entered cannot be used with this order. You can enter a different coupon on the pickup or ship page, or continue checking out. Coupon info.” on the review and place order page.
Am I doing something wrong?
Tara Kuczykowski
Hmm, I’m not sure. I just did a test run on an old account of mine, and it worked… I’d try contacting customer service tomorrow if you can’t get it to work.
Didn’t work for me either…hmmmmm
I’ll try again tomorrow.