Jenny’s got an awesome looong list of deals at Publix again this week!
Thanks to Jenny at Southern Savers for compiling a list of the best deals to be found this week. Find my favs below, and then check out her site for the complete list!
:: Buy One Get One Items
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel or Scrambles, save up to $2.49
$1/1 Toaster Strudel printable (IE)
$1/1 Toaster Strudel printable (FF)
$0.25 ea. after coupons!
Hall’s Cough Drops, 30 ct. bag, save up to $1.65
$0.50/1 Halls Cough Drops, any 20 ct.+, exp. 2-6-09 (SS 12/7/08)
$0.50/1 Halls Cough Drops, any 20 ct+, exp. 2-6-09 (SS 12/7/08)
$0.32 ea. after coupons!
Fantastik Cleaner, save up to $2.99
$1/1 Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner, exp. 3-7-09 (SS 1/11/09)
$0.50 ea. after coupons!
:: Other Sale Items
Egg Beaters, $2
$1/2 Egg Beaters Publix store coupon Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer
$1/1 Egg Beaters printable
$0.50 ea. after coupon! (use 2 printable with 1 store coupon)
Pam Cooking Spray, $2.99
$1/1 off any Pam Publix store coupon Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer
$1/1 Pam printable
$0.99 ea. after coupon! (use both coupons together)
Jolly Time Pop Corn, $1
$0.50/1 Jolly Time Microwave Popcorn, exp. 2-8-09 (SS 1/11/09)
$1/1 Jolly Time Popcorn printable
FREE after coupon!
Buy 3 and get a reusable tote bag free by Mail in form!
Huggies Bath Products, $2.50
$1/1 Huggies Bath and Body Product, exp. 4-5-09 (SS 1/11/09)
$3/2 Huggies Bath & Body products Celebrate Kimberly Clark booklet at Publix
FREE after coupons! (use store coupon with 2 manufacturer coupons)
Check out Southern Savers for more deals!
I just have to comment on that photo. The colors are just gorgeous! That’s all… Oh, and thanks for the Publix deals! I love Publix!
Carey´s last blog post..Free Sample of Chocolate Turtle Chex Mix
The publix coupons state “may not be used in conjunction with any other coupon.”
Even if Publix managers/employees let us do this, arent they just doing it for customer relations even though they will lose money on these and eventually stop issuing store coupons?
Deal Seeking Mom
Thanks, Carey! I know it doesn’t have a lot to do with the post, but I just love to find beautiful and unusual photos to showcase.
I appreciate your comment, Rachel. I actually do not have a Publix in my area and have just begun highlighting them as a courtesy for my readers with Jenny’s help. I’ll ask her if she can weigh in on this issue, because I don’t even know what the coupons look like. Thanks so much!
I just got off the phone with Publix’s Corporate Office and this is what I was told. First Customer Relations had no idea that they were now wording coupons that way. Then she said that they still get reimbursed from the manufacturers coupon that you “stack” with a store coupon so monetarily for them it is as if you are just using a store coupon. They are not losing any extra money of the transaction. She stated that they have no plans to change their policy to not allow “stacking” coupons.
I hope that answers your question. I know it is a wording change, but it seems that it is not a policy change for Publix at this time.
Let me know if you have any other questions,
Jenny´s last blog post..CVS ECB Deals 01/18-01/24
jenny thank you for researching. i will happily bring my q’s to publix this afternoon! :)
Hi Tara!
Thanks for your comment and info on Sam’s Club! I’m learning so much from everyone’s comments. I just wanted to make sure you know about Sarah’s blog at She does a fabulous job with Publix deals each Wednesday as well!!
Love your site! -Stephanie @ The Coupon Game
Where would I find the Kimberly Clark booklet at Publix? It certainly isn’t with all the other coupons. I’d love to take advantage of this deal. Thanks!
I asked my manager about the “may not be used in conjunction with any other coupon” wording on the store coupons. He said that it has always been publix’a policy to allow both man. and store coupons to be used together-he said that it is refering to 2 STORE coupons.
Sherri´s last blog post..My shopping trip
Deal Seeking Mom
Jenny from Southern Savers left this comment the other day, but it got lost when my site was transitioned to a new server. I wanted to repost it so everyone knows the policy: