Here’s a great find that my wonderful reader Angel just shared!
The Meijer Mealbox currently has the following coupons good for Naturewell beef:
I found these great coupons on Page 4 of the widget. I’m not sure what the price on Naturewell beef and ground beef is right now, but it seems like you should be able to get a really good deal by buying in 1-lb. increments and using the coupon.
If you find a great deal with these, please let me know!
Dizzy Mommy
At my meijer the only ground Naturewell meats where in the meat case.. the ground beef was $2.19 so I ordered it in one pound packages and it came out to $1.19 each… not bad at all. I didnt see any ground Sirlon… other then that all the packages where $7 or more…
I went to my local Meijer today (thanks for this heads up) and bought 6 1lb packs from the meat deli. It was priced $2.19 per lb, like previous poster said. I paid about $7 for 6 lbs of all natural ground beef. You can’t beat this price!
Where exactly is it? The only meat I found in the meat case were the meijer brand and something called CAB. Is the Naturewell something different?
Is this just sold in the meat case?
My Meijer had the Naturewell ground beef priced at $3.49/lb-not much of a good deal even with the coupon! I’ll wait and see if it goes on sale before the coupon expires.