Lemonheads Candy FREE Sample February 17, 2010 by Tara Kuczykowski 11 Comments Right now you can get a FREE sample of new Tropical and Chewy Lemonhead & Friends. Note: If you’re having trouble submitting the form, make sure that you’ve entered your state in capital letters. Thanks, Good Deal Mama!
kristina stewart February 17, 2010 at 11:36 am Hmm… when I click on “send it to me”, nothing happens. I hear it clicking but the page doesn’t go anywhere. Reply
Tracie February 17, 2010 at 11:45 am kristina, try typing in your state (abbrev) in caps. it wouldn’t go thru until i did that! Reply
Elaine February 17, 2010 at 11:46 am It’s doing the same thing to me, when I click on it nothing happens! Reply
Leigh February 17, 2010 at 12:36 pm Worked once I typed the state in capital letters. Thanks for the tip! Reply
Juan pacheco February 26, 2014 at 6:28 pm hi i was wondering if i can have free candy sample if you can send it to p.o box 410 solomon,AZ 85551 Reply
kristina stewart
Hmm… when I click on “send it to me”, nothing happens. I hear it clicking but the page doesn’t go anywhere.
Worked fine for me. Thanks, Tara!
kristina, try typing in your state (abbrev) in caps. it wouldn’t go thru until i did that!
It’s doing the same thing to me, when I click on it nothing happens!
It doesn’t work..
It didn’t work until I typed the state in upper case.
Jessica P.
It worked perfectly for me…
Worked once I typed the state in capital letters. Thanks for the tip!
Juan pacheco
hi i was wondering if i can have free candy sample if you can send it to p.o box 410 solomon,AZ 85551