I can’t tell you how often I’ve had someone tell me that they have issues with printing Bricks coupons! I usually give them all the typical suggestions, i.e., verify your printer settings, make sure you pop-up blocker is turned off, try a different browser. Often these simple fixes fail to solve the problem, though. Sometimes it just seems to magically fix itself, but if you’re not one of these lucky few, read on for a little known tip.
Did you know that many companies that use Bricks will actually mail you the coupon? Yes, that’s right folks. Sure it’s frustrating not to have the instant gratification of printing one immediately, but they do arrive promptly.
Where do you find the link to request to have your coupons mailed? Simply click on the teeny, tiny “help” link at the bottom of the initial page that says, “Your coupons are waiting! Ready to print?”
Usually you can print two coupons online before you get the message that you’ve printed your max. I’m not sure if that translates into being allowed to request two per household, but I have requested one in my name and one in DH’s, and they both arrived.
Unfortunately not all manufacturers offer this option. If you find this to be the case, I would suggest sending a quick email to their customer service via the “Contact Us” link on their website informing of the issue and asking if they could possibly mail you a coupon. Five minutes of your time just might help out some of your fellow couponers by prompting the company to make requesting them through Bricks an option in the future!
So there you have it, how I solved my Bricks coupon quandary. I hope it works for you, too!
For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, visit Rocks in My Dryer!
If you could download a even one copy of the KFC coupon mentioned on Oprah Winfrey yesterday, send it my way. I’m having no luck whatsoever. I don’t believe I could print it at the library.
justin´s last blog post..It’s Shrill Rock and Roll To Me
If you could download a even one copy of the KFC coupon mentioned on Oprah Winfrey yesterday, send it my way. I’m having no luck whatsoever. I don’t believe I could print it at the library.
justin´s last blog post..It’s Shrill Rock and Roll To Me
Grace Patterson
I’ve been having trouble printing through Bricks. Please mail me the coupons for the childrens soap.
Grace Patterson
I’ve been having trouble printing through Bricks. Please mail me the coupons for the childrens soap.
This article is great! I’m pretty computer savvy but I’ve always had problems getting coupons to print from bricks. I don’t have internet at home and of course I don’t have a portable printer to take with me to Starbucks… and anyway, I’m sure they’d find that pretty annoying! I can usually load coupons from smartsource.com into my print queue on my laptop and then go home and print them out; however, bricks coupons require you to be connected to the internet AND have your printer connected at the same time in order for the coupons to print. The mail option is especially appealing. Does anyone know where to find a list of the bricks coupons that can be mailed to your address?
This article is great! I’m pretty computer savvy but I’ve always had problems getting coupons to print from bricks. I don’t have internet at home and of course I don’t have a portable printer to take with me to Starbucks… and anyway, I’m sure they’d find that pretty annoying! I can usually load coupons from smartsource.com into my print queue on my laptop and then go home and print them out; however, bricks coupons require you to be connected to the internet AND have your printer connected at the same time in order for the coupons to print. The mail option is especially appealing. Does anyone know where to find a list of the bricks coupons that can be mailed to your address?
Had the same problem with the bricks coupons, and a system reboot fixed the problem and I magically had coupons!