Combine sale prices and coupons to pick up Wonka SweeTarts Lollipops for as low as $1 at Walgreens and Target this week:
Walgreens SweeTarts Lollipops, $2
$1/1 Wonka SweeTarts Lollipops printable
$1 ea. after coupon!
If you have an Albertson’s or another store that doubles coupons up to $1, you may be able to pick them up for even less.
Thanks, My Frugal Adventures!
I think there was a Target coupon for these a couple weeks ago. If it was for these, I printed it and haven’t used it yet, but I can’t find it. Does anybody know if there was a coupon for these (I don’t see it on their website now)? If it wasn’t for these, post a comment so I don’t keep looking for my coupon. :) Thanks.
okay, after going through my binder twice, I finally found a coupon for Wonka SweetTarts Lollipops (it was filed with cold stuff–oops), but it was a MQ, not a Target Q. That must have been the one I was thinking of. :( not a Target Q, but at least I can quit looking.