Gaucho is a real-time savings-inspired community and price comparison site whose goal is to make it refreshingly easy for you to find the best deal on the web or at a store near you. Find and share coupons, deals and tips from all over in a social network setting that makes it easy and fun!
In an effort to connect with more frugal shoppers, Gaucho is giving five lucky Deal Seeking Mom readers each a $25 Target Gift Card! To enter, join Gaucho and share a stamp!
Gaucho is also giving away five $25 Target Gift Cards starting 1/10. Gaucho will award one gift card per day to the user who posts and comments on the most stamps!
Every reader has three methods available to enter this contest. Choose one each of any combination of method one, two or three for up to a total of 3 entries, but you MUST start by joining Gaucho and submitting a stamp or all of your other entries will be deleted!!!
If you are reading this in your email or feed reader, please CLICK HERE to visit the original blog post to enter. Email entries will not be counted.
Methods of entry:
1. Join Gaucho and submit a stamp, and then come back and leave a comment with your username and the link to your stamp. This is a required entry method. If you do not share your username and the link to your stamp as your first entry, the rest of your entries will be deleted.
2. Follow @GauchoSave and @DealSeekingMom on Twitter and tweet the following. Be sure to come back and leave a separate comment with the link to your tweet.
Win a $25 Target GC from @DealSeekingMom & @GauchoSave, the social network for sharing deals/coupons.
3. Become a fan of Gaucho on Facebook. Be sure to come back and leave a separate comment letting me know you’ve done so!
(5) $25 Target gift cards
This giveaway ends at noon EST on Tuesday, 1/12 and is open to all U.S. residents 18 years or older. I’ll use to select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email and listed on my Giveaway Winners page. Good luck!
While you’re in a contest entering mood, don’t forget to check out the Giveaway Gathering for a variety of contests being hosted on Deal Seeking Mom readers’ blogs!
Sandra Brower
My user name on Gaucho is Sandyhere. I posted a stamp at
[email protected]
Sandra Brower
I am a fan on Facebook. ID is Sandy Brower.
[email protected]
Fredene Anderson
nice gift
I submitted a stamp at Gaucho!
Frances Watson
I would love to win!
Thank you for the giveaway
[email protected]
I joined and my user name is kngmckellar.
follow both on twitter as kngmckellar and tweeted
Samantha Witt
Joined! My user name is: Sdwitt82 and here is the link to my stamp:
I love Target!!
Samantha Witt
Tweet Tweet!
Samantha Witt
Now a Facebook fan!
Leana Heise
i like target
user: carolpie
I follow both and tweet!~
Become a fan of Gaucho on Facebook-I did! carol yerby lewis.
hazel hunt
Would love to win!!
Fan of Gaucho on Facebook. Here’s hoping to win a GC.
Karen Gonyea
Following :)
I follow you both on facebook!
I have joined Gaucho and here’s my stamp: