ALL YOU magazine is offering a new rebate on Huggies Little Swimmers. Get a $5 Walmart gift card when you buy a package of Huggies Little Swimmers between 2/28/11 and 5/11/11. Just complete this rebate form to get your rebate plus a Huggies coupon book.
Huggies Little Swimmers are priced around $9.98 at Walmart, which is like saving 50% off after you the rebate.
This rebate is limited to the first 2700 people who submit their rebate so I would recommend getting this one in as soon as possible.
Heather from Passion for Savings is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for Walmart. At Passion for Savings, she combines her love of great products, her passion for shopping and the art of saving money to educate her readers on the best products and best values available.
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