Laina at Abundant Food Savings spied this great deal on ROC Exfoliating Cleanser at Walgreens this week!
ROC Exfoliating Cleanser, $9.99
$5/1 ROC Walgreens in-ad coupon
$3/1 ROC printable (IE) or printable (FF)
$1.99 after coupons!
Check out the Walgreens weekly and monthly deals to plan your trip!
I got this deal Sunday, but had trouble. You can only purchase one at a time and the computer kept refusing to ring up both coupons. They had to manually adjust the price and I finally gave up on the second one because it seems they had trouble with every coupon I was using. I thought I would try again another day this week when someone else was on the register. I sure appreciate your postings!
I’m going in the morning for my weekly round up. So I will have to pick this one up too. thanks
Maria S.
Just make sure to buy a “filler” if you are only going to buy the cleanser and using both coupons. At Walgreens, at least in my experience and blogs I have read, you can use 1 walgreens coupon with 1 manufacturer coupon on one item, but the system will beep one of the coupons. Just look in the clearance section for something you might use, or whatever other scenario best suits you. Just make sure you have as many items as you do coupons to avoid any problems.
Jennifer Laxson
I hate beeps…Has anyone else tried this? I’m just wondering if the lady above had beeps because she only bought 1 item with 2 coupons??
I am doing “bath gift baskets” for my daughters godmothers this year for X-mas and this will go wonderfully in them! Thanks for the GREAT savings, I really do appreciate all of your hard work.
Walgreens coupon beeped on me too! And i had way more items then coupons. So the cashier just manially adjusted the price to 4.99. Plus i used 3$ mq which went througt with no problem.
Ugh… mine beeped too. I also got some filler products, tho… the Gillette 3 Pack for $5.99 (I had a coupon for $2 off too on this item), and then the 2 ROC exfoliators. The cashier was new and basically was telling me that the $5 off coupon “just won’t scan” … (she had already scanned the 2 $3 off coupons)..of course, I am not taking no for an answer (LOL), so I politely asked if the manager could come and override it. He did. But the total came to $8.79, and I tried to use my Register Rewards for $8 and pay $.79. That they couldn’t figure out? So, I just paid debit, and I will use my RR on a future purchase. Am I the only one having problems with the RR? Thanks!
i thought you couldn’t combine walgreen coupons with manu.? one coupon/item?
i thought you couldn’t combine manu. coupons w/ walgreen coupons? i thought it was one coupon/item?
Jennifer Laxson
Melinda…No, your not the only one! I’m giving them a few more trys before I just cut them off like I did Wal-Mart. Walgreens has the most strict reward system I’ve ever seen! Almost like it’s not a rewards system at all! More like a pain in the *behind* Ughh
Melinda, you probably couldn’t use an $8 RR for that purchase because more than the $0.79 was tax. RR’s can’t be used towards tax. HTH
Does anyone know if I purchase 3 ROC items will the one Walgreens coupon take off $15? or do I need to use 3 Walgreens coupons?
I tried this purchase today and the coupon would not scan. The cashier stated that because it was not the item pictured on the coupon it is not covered by the coupon. So I just didn’t get the cleanser because I didn’t have time to ask for a manager to override it. I would just as soon shop elsewhere.
KD- You should only need one Walgreens coupon. I think it reads something like (limit up to 3 with coupon).
Shirley – Mine tried to say the same thing. I told her it is for all ROC products, not just the ones shown. That seemed to work, especially since its the way the coupon reads.
Kaycee – Good point about the tax! I didn’t think of that! =)
Jennifer – I know what you mean. It seems these “Register Rewards” have become more popular with Walgreens. Although, yesterday, I did get a $5 RR from a 2/ $10 Bengay purchase. **I had 2 coupons @ $2 off each, but then realized there was a box of Bengay that had a $5 off 2 , (which btw was conveniently missing from the other Bengays on the shelf- you could see where someone pulled them off).
Michelle – No, you should still be able to use both. I always have, and haven’t had any problems since the manuf coupon is reimbursed to Walgreens…?
Michele D.
The clerk at my Walgreens said the $5 off was not good on the cleanser and wouldn’t let me use it.
I didn’t try to do this deal yet, but had a problem last week with the theraflu walgreens coupon. They apparantly didn’t have the right code or something else was wrong with the coupon. The manager had to override it –I actually bought the one in the picture so their was no disputing it. I had several RR to use for my purchase (I had filler items to be able to do so), and was told by the manager that they had a memo (or some sort of internal correspondence) that said you could redeem ONLY ONE RR per purchase. I argued with him that they were MF’s Q’s and their policy said you could redeem one MF Q per item. Then I said, if you are not suppose to do it, then your system will beep, right? He said yes, so he allowed the cashier to try it and all 4 RR rewards didn’t beep and went through just fine because they matched up with the filler items. I went to the Walgreens across town the next day, and had the manager tells me the same thing, only one RR reward per order. AGGGH!!!! Has anyone else had this problem or are these managers just reading their internal documents wrong!
I usually have an extra filler item in my cart (or the candy of the week is usually cheap and is right on the counter) and will present this if the RR beeps because the amount BEFORE TAX is not up to the dollar amount of the RR. Does anyone know if there is a way for the cashier to tell you the subtotal BEFORE tax. I always ask and they tell me they can’t tell, so I have to play the give them the RR let it beep and give them a filler item (or maybe two) until it will take it.
I had problems with this also. They let me buy one but not two. Everytime I go to Walgreens I have a problem and I feel like I really do know how to use the rewards system at that store. I am going to try to stick to CVS instead.
Thanks for the deal post!
Jennifer Laxson
I got my ROC today…The coupon did beep but she didn’t say anything and just overrode it…I think it’s hit or miss with Walgreens!
judy workman
With Walgreens, I have had problem with products that are marked down (1/2 off) and the register did not recognize it. So, we called the manager and had him check it out. I was right and got it at 1/2 off. CVS is great with there RR. The cashier or the person filling in immediately started explaining the RR. Good experience there.
judy workman
Walmart actually took a computer printed coupon yesterday. I almost fell over. Much trouble with them and I don’t shop using computer coupons there.
The clerk at my Walgreens said the $5 off was not good on the cleanser because it beeps and she wouldn’t let me use it. When I insisted she called the floor manager and he said the picture does not show the cleanser!!! so nothing he can do either!!!. Even when I explained that the coupon includes any skin product , he look at me as if the words “face or cosmetics” do not belong to the skin category. FRUSTATING!!! He was kind of rude actually.
I just have moved to this City, and this was my first visit to this Walgreens.
I am wondering if I should call Corporation before I decide it will be my last.
Deborah, I had a Walgreens tell me that last week only one rr per transaction of course after she took my $1 rr & not the $7 rr. i went to another walgreens (in Naples there is one on every corner) and the cashier there told me I could use as many coupons or rr as I wanted, as long as they went through. I just won’t go back to that Walgreens. All my cashiers are usually really helpful & call a manager to help if they can’t get it to ring up right or if my rr’s don’t print out. They get paid for the coupons so I don’t know why they make such a stink about them.
deborah– i usually don’t have problems with the rr as long as it is one Q or rr per item…i did have a manager tell me only 1 rr per transaction, of course i let hime know that it not what the rr states on them then i called corporate later that week….they made that manager personally call me back to tell me that he was wrong and i was correct on the policy…gosh that felt great(and he was humbled) :)
Maria and I must have visited the same Walgreens location. I too was not allowed to use the $5.oo off coupon on the cleanser. The clerk went to the store manager and he told me that it had to be one of the products pictured in the ad, which by the way, is absurd. I normally would have put up a fuss, but wasn’t in the mood today!!!
Same situation as many of my fellow shoppers. I had only the cleansers (2) and 2 mc’s and one advertisement paper. The clerk said it wasn’t one of the items listed at $5.00 off or it would have rung up automatically. He checked with someone in the department and she agreed. Since I didn’t want this to be a wasted trip, I asked for the manager. He was very nice and rang the order himself and took both of my mc ($3.00 each) off, as he said it was a vague advertisement. It just depends on who you get, and if you’re ready to plead your case. Sometimes I am, sometimes I’m not! I snapped them up at $1.99 each in one transaction!
oops I meant $5.00 coupon
I havent tried to get this deal but I will tomorrow!!
I have 2 Wags I shop at. One has been friendly & helpful from day one but asst. mgr at the other was downright rude from day one. However, after I contacted corporate and the local mgr called me, the people from the second store became much nicer and they definitely know who I am. ;-)
I did have a prob a few weeks ago when I had both a Wags Q and a mf Q for my items. The clerk rang up the Wags Q first.. then the Mfg Q second and it beeped.. I asked him if he could remove the Ws Q and enter the mf Q first which he did (this is the best store & they have the BEST people) and then the other and it went thru with no problem at all.. Not exactly sure why that was but it worked for us anyways.
Might be of help to you too. Put your mfg. Qs on the top.
I’ve had a manager tell me that you can only use one RR per transaction but Tara told me it wasnt so, so I tried it out following all the other criteria for using RRs and I havent had a problem since.
I often walk out having payed a dollar over my RRs (taxes & candy bar filler for my sweetie) but in the long run I dont mind that much.. I have alot of great stuff for those few dollar bills here & there.
Haven’t ever had a problem with RRs, but did have a problem a Walgreens when I tried to buy 2 items with 2 manufacturers coupons on a buy one get one half price ad. The clerk said it was because the coupon said not “subject to doubling”. Thats not what doubling means, but who am I to argue with someone half my age?
I was at WG this week and was told we could no longer have several transactions! I also got upset cos a sale they had on deod. was buy one, get a RR to get a free one; I used a 2.00 off coupon, expected to still get the RR, but was told that I could not do that, no longer, WG considered it “looping coupons”and they would no longer accept that! I was not happy about this AT ALL. The people at WG are rude, the cashiers/clerks act like you are taking money from THEM when u even use a coupon! I am thinking of from now on just using CVS, they have a much better system with the ECBs