If you’ve been holding onto those B1G1 Vanity Fair coupons from the October ALL YOU issue, now is the perfect time to use them at Walgreens to get 2 FREE packs!
Vanity Fair Plates, B1G1
B1G1 Vanity Fair Plates or Bowls, exp. 12-31-09 (ALL YOU October ’09)
2 FREE after coupon!
(Thanks, Cincinnati Cents!)
How does it make it two free packs? I don’t get it. Don’t you have to pay for one? Please explain. Thanks in advance.
If you use a B1G1 coupon on a B1G1 sale, you get both items free. You may have to pay sales tax depending on your state.
My store told me they can not do 2 for free. I have to buy 1 and get 1 free.
I never can get any cashier to accept a B1/G1 coupon for an item that was on sale as a Buy1/Get 1. I am always told that I HAVE to buy one iten to get the second item free and having a coupon DOES NOT allow me to get both items for free. I have argued and argued at the grocery store, Walgreeens, Target, K-Mart, etc. over the past few years so I have finally stopped trying. I’m happy for those of you that have stores that allow you to use coupons such as this.
It must depend on the store itself. I went to my local Walgreens last night and asked the assistant manager about using the B1G1 Q w/ a B1G1 ad, and she said both items would be free, which they were upon review of my receipt.
Tara Kuczykowski
At the very least you should be able to buy one and get two free — one for the coupon and one for the sale. Getting both items free will probably vary by store.
Then I could still use two $1.00 off right? Getting three for $1.79. Correct?
Tara Kuczykowski
Yes, you should be able to use the $1/1 as well in that scenario.
mine wouldn’t take them either :(
Yeah, my walgreens wouldn’t let me use the B1G1 free coupon either. He was all saying “it’d be like we’re giving them to you for free” and I was like “well yeah” but he still wouldn’t take it. lol Darn it.
I went to one Walgreens this morning and they wouldn’t let me. I went to another and the cashier checked with the manager, he said if it would scan then take it. And it worked :) 2 Free packs of paper plates..woohoo!
My Walgreens won’t accept a manuf. coupon with their Walgreen book coupons b/c they say manufacturer’s coupon on them…unfortunately.
I purchased coupons online to stack as recommended in the past for mac and cheese and then learned they would only accept 1 coupon –the manuf. I had or the Walgreen manuf.
Doyour W coupon books note manuf. coupon on the coupons and do your stores allow you to stack another manuf. with the W. manuf. coupon??
Carol, exactly the same happened to me here in Miami, FL.
I have virtually stopped going to Walgreens because they are so hard to deal with (mine is anyway). Go to Rite Aid. They are always more than willing to take coupons without hassle. They also have lots of monthly rebates like Walgreens used to have.
Most of the coupons in that monthly savings guide are manufacturer coupons, but if you get the small square booklet, I think it is called “healthy saving” or something like that, but all the coupons in there are just walgreens coupons and those you can stack. Also if you buy the kids activity book, you can stack those coupons and the diabetes wellness booklet (free), those are stackable as well. It’s just that darn monthly one they put out! Get the Healthy Savings booklet and they have 2$ triaminic and with the manufacturer coupons 3$/2 and 5$ in RR wyb 2, it’s a great money maker!
Its best to use “BOGO” coupons with BOGO sales at CVS!!!
If you call their corporate # 1-800-shop-cvs they will tell you that a bogo sale combined with a bogo coupon = both items free and you just pay any taxes. Its actually official CVS policy and they will call a store manager to correct them and send you back in!
On the other hand Walgreens has no “OFFICAL coupon” policy and the cashier/managers make up the rules as they along or change them if they see you are getting too good of a deal. If you call corporate to complain they just route the call to the store manager where you had then problem to beginwith so that really wont help much.