Score a totally FREE greeting card from through 1/15/12 or while supplies last! 10,000 cards will be available each day, so if you don’t get in today, try again tomorrow or Saturday!
Just enter your promo code at checkout. Unlike previous promotions, you can have your card mailed to your recipient for FREE as well! is part of American Greetings Corporation and offers more than 6,000 greeting card designs for birthdays, holidays, and other special occassions that can be customized with your photos and personalized message.
You don’t have to pay postage to have it mailed to the recipient. Postage is included!
Tara Kuczykowski
Thanks for letting me know, Melissa — updated the post!
whats the code?
It states the code is invalid
angie F
What is the code?
Tara Kuczykowski
Sorry, the promotion has already reached its capacity for the day. I’ll post tomorrow when they release another 10,000!