Thinking Organic Thursday is brought to you by Organic Deals & Coupons. You don’t need to spend a ton to go organic; you just need to know where to find the coupons and deals. We’ll help you go organic without going broke!
- New Organic Coupons this week:
- $0.50/1 ThinkThin Bar
- $1/1 Marzetti Salad Dressing
- $1/1 Wild Harvest Organic Product
- $1/1 Olivia’s Organic Salad (available on the East Coast only)
- Sign up for the Natural Food Connection Newsletter and receive a free e-mailed grocery shopping list with natural and organic coupons. These newsletters will be sent on the 1st and 15th of each month. The coupons can be printed directly from your home computer.
- Did you know that the Military Commissary sells organic food? Check out the great organic deals you can get with your commissary privilege!
See the previous organic roundups for more offers that are still available!
As always, make sure you’re protecting your personal information when you’re signing up for freebies.
Toni House
thank you for a great site. I also have great deals and suggestions for saving money. Food and everything else.
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Thank you for doing the organic post every Thursday. I’m slowly transitioning into a primarily-organic diet, so this is most helpful!
Thanks so much for including this information. I’m always trying to include as much organic and natural options in my shopping as I reasonably can, but it can be a good bit more expensive, so every bit helps, and coupons can sometimes make the organic options less costly than the conventional choices.
Any idea when the Olivias coupon expires?
I love that you are posting Organic deals every Thursday!
I just found this freebie offer—-
Free sample of PediaSmart or Baby’s Only Organic Formula