M&M’s are a fun treat for kids (and a great potty training incentive). $1.50 for the fun size bags is a good price for this time of year!
M&M’s Fun Size Bags (12.6-oz.), 2/$5
$1/2 Mars Candy Fun Size Bags, exp. 10-31-09 (RP 9/27/09)
$1/2 M&M’s Target printable, exp. 10-31-09 (click get coupons)
$1.50 ea. after coupons!
Find other hot Target deals on candy, toys, and more here!
Thanks, Coupon Dad!
It’s so funny you posted this. I was just giving my 2 1/2 yr old a few M&Ms for using the potty chair(like 15 minutes ago). My small bag of free M&Ms is almost gone and I told him mommy would have to buy a new bag. So thanks for the heads up… I’ll have to add it to my Target deals this week with hopes that I’ll need them. :))
Does anyone know if this was in the Columbus Dispatch? I don’t know if I’m crazy or what, I can’t find it. Please help.
Bags of candy are only $1.88 at Rite Aid this week….and with the coupon that’s 2 for $2.76.
Target coupons can be printed in-store (although I did not see this coupon available today, so it must have been archived).
I know that this fact has been mentioned before, but it was a little confusing for me today. So, I thought I’d give a step-by-step for those who haven’t tried it yet.
Just go to the gift registry kiosk. On the bottom of the opening screen are 6 blocks. Press the “Target.com” block. When the page loads, scroll to the right and click on the “Weekly Ad” link. When this page loads, scroll all the way to the bottom. Here you will find 3 blocks. Click on the center one that says something about Target Supercenter and coupons. In the center of the screen, click on print and select which ones you want.
Hope your Target trip is a little less confusing than mine.