You can get a great deal on Degree for Women Fine Fragrance at Target right now using the $2/1 Degree For Women Target printable and one of the $1/1 Degree coupons from recent RedPlum inserts. After both coupons it will be just $0.29!
Degree For Women Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, $3.29
$2/1 Degree For Women Target printable
$1.25/1 Degree Women, exp 8/9/09 (RP 5-17-09)
$1/1 Degree Women, exp. 8/23/09 (RP 6/28/09 – regional)
$0.04 to $0.29 after coupons!
If you can’t find the manufacturer coupons, I found several auctions on eBay with the $1.25 coupons, and there are a whole slew of them on Coupons & Things by DeDe!
(Thanks, KC Penny Pinchin’ Mama!)
When I print the coupon everything prints off except the expiration date. Does anyone know how to fix this???
I used these two coupons together todauy at Target. It was great to get it for .29 They didn’t have the Edy’s ice cream in the small size.
Glad I could help!!
Could you please send me the coupon image ?? as a pdf, regular doc, image does not matter. My printer isn’t working and if i go to the library i can print but not install the coupon printer. I would greatly appreciate it!!
Tara Kuczykowski
I’m sorry, Danny, but the coupons have individual codes on them so copying them in any form is fraudulent. Stores won’t get reimbursed for them. Perhaps you could have a friend print it?
These products were on sale at my neighborhood Super Target for only $3.29 making them only four cents after coupons! they were a great deal!
Can you use more than one Target coupon in one transaction?
There is a coupon for BOGO Degree deodorant in the 6/28 Redplum I believe…
Brandy @ Brandy's Big Bargains
I made a trip to Target today, and was able to pick up 2 of these for only 4¢ each! I scored quite a bit of really good bargains today.
At first I wasn’t able to print the Target coupon. I figured it out – but I noticed that the bar code #’s are the same on both coupons. Are they supposed to be different? Does that mean we can print out multiples of this then??
Where does everyone live that their targets allow them to stack store and manufacturers coupons? the two near my house do not allow it and i spent an hour haggling to get some money off yesterday!! anyone near chicago IL?
Tara Kuczykowski
Kristine, it’s their corporate policy to accept both. If they’re not following it, I suggest calling customer service. If you have a cell phone, you might even take the number to call them while you’re at the store. I’ve read about other people doing that in the past, and they never had a problem with them accepting them after it.
Stephie D.
If you can’t find a manu. coupon anywhere, I was able to get a $1/2 from the Degree website. It isn’t as cheap but still ends up being less than a buck a pop.