I’ve got an exciting new addition to my blog – now you can take Deal Seeking Mom with you on the go with my brand new mobile site at https://m.dealseekingmom.com/!!!
Of course, I’m not advocating that you run out and buy a data package for your cell phone as this IS a site geared towards frugality. But if you have Internet access on your cell phone for business reasons or because you’ve found a fabulous deal through your cell phone provider, you can view Deal Seeking Mom in a clean and easy to navigate mobile format.
Never miss a great deal again because you can’t recall the exact specifics of the scenario or you forgot a code!!! Now, if they could only come up with a way to print coupons from your phone . . .
Baby Orr Decor
I’m so excited!
It will be great to be able to get updates when I am out and about, to check for any last minute deals. What a great feature!
Baby Orr Decor
I’m so excited!It will be great to be able to get updates when I am out and about, to check for any last minute deals. What a great feature!
Very cool!
Very cool!
Thank you for the heads up! This is so great!
Thank you for the heads up! This is so great!
Baby Orr Decor
I was setup with the mobile version of your site, but when you moved your site I have been unable to get to it. I keep getting a message that says there were too many redirects. If you get it set back up, let us know, I loved that feature and used it lots!
Baby Orr Decor
I was setup with the mobile version of your site, but when you moved your site I have been unable to get to it. I keep getting a message that says there were too many redirects. If you get it set back up, let us know, I loved that feature and used it lots!
Deal Seeking Mom
Thanks for letting me know! I tested it on my phone, and I’m getting the same error, even though it works on my laptop. I’m thinking it has something to do with my host, and I’m going to be switching hosts in a few weeks, so hopefully that will take care of it. I’ll post to let everyone know when I’ve worked out the bugs!
Deal Seeking Mom
Thanks for letting me know! I tested it on my phone, and I’m getting the same error, even though it works on my laptop. I’m thinking it has something to do with my host, and I’m going to be switching hosts in a few weeks, so hopefully that will take care of it. I’ll post to let everyone know when I’ve worked out the bugs!