Here’s a new $0.50/1 Tic Tac Gum, Tic Tac Mints or Tic Tac Mixers 1 oz printable coupon that makes for a great deal at Target this week. You can combine your coupon with a Target Cartwheel coupon and score a pack of Tic Tax Mixers for $0.09! Here’s the deal:
Tic Tac Mixers (1 oz.), $1.17 ea.
50% off Tic Tac Mixers, exp. 7/14/18 (Target Cartwheel)
$0.50/1 Tic Tac Gum, Tic Tac Mints or Tic Tac Mixers 1 oz printable coupon
$0.09 after coupons!
Thanks, Passion for Savings!