There are some new printables on Snackpicks right now! When you register, you’ll have access to the following printable coupons:
- $0.75/1 Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers (Pepper Jack, Reduced Fat, Hot & Spicy, or White Cheddar)
- $0.75/1 Sunshine Cheez-It Whole Grain Baked Snack Crackers
- $1/2 Keebler Club Crackers
- $1/2 Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cookies
- $0.75/1 Keebler Sandwich Crackers
- $1/2 Keebler Club Snack Stick Crackers
- $1/2 Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Bars (Original or Yogurt)
- $0.55/1 Murray Sugar Free Cookies
- $1/1 Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars
Thanks, For The Mommas!
Julie @ Frugal Shopping With Julie
Thanks for the reminder about this coupon site, I just shared these latest offers with my readers :)
I was told when I registered with snackpicks I could print several coupons but I didn’t see any. I specially wanted to print the $0.75/1 Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers (Pepper Jack, Reduced Fat, Hot & Spicy, or White Cheddar) Where are the coupons?
Tara Kuczykowski
At the top of the page there’s a circle with a $ sign in it that says Coupons next to it.
I got them all – you have to clilck coupons at the top of the page.
Only 1 cheez it coupon came up for me to print.
Either this is a misleading site – or you are certainly behind in your marketing. The coupons it claimed were available were not here
Tara Kuczykowski
Melody, if look below the title of the post, you’ll see this was originally posted on 10/28/09. Printable coupons tend to disappear very quickly.
k.c. lee
I would like coupons for club crackers there my addiction
hello does anyone get coupobns they dont use. i have a homeless shelter we need all the coupons we can get. so please write me at [email protected] if you have coupons you do not use, thank you so much