Starting 9/2/12, Rite Aid is rolling out their Load2Card program nationwide.
Basically, +UP Rewards will automatically load to your Wellness+ card rather than printing on the bottom of your receipt. Each +UP Reward can then be used starting at 6 am the following day and will be valid for 14 days.
You will have the option of sticking with the paper +UP Rewards by asking the cashier at Rite Aid to switch you to the paper +UP option, but you still can’t use the +UP Rewards until 6 am the following day, making it impossible to immediately roll +UP Rewards.
According to the Load2Card FAQ, the system will redeem the highest value +UP Rewards first (rather than those that expire first). It looks like you will be able to manage your +UP Rewards via computer or smartphone to try to ensure that the correct +UP Rewards get spent, but it seems rather complicated.
If you live in one of the four pilot cities, what do you think of the Load2Card program in action?
Corrie from “Cents”able Momma is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for Rite Aid. At “Cents”able Momma, she helps others be “able” to save their “cents” by sharing great deals, coupons, freebies, money saving tips, and even a few methods to earn a little extra money.
I hope they have worked out kinks, I am in Richmond , Va and the weeek they gave option to go back to paper I did. It took them at least 3 weeks for it to be effective even thought the screen was saying I requested paper. I don’t know if this has somehow been corrected but your load to card UP came off first no matter what then you could end up not being able to even use your coupon because your total was too low. 1 800 number advises to not scan your card until the casher has scanned all your coupon then hang over your card and the UP s will come off. But in my experience cashier did not want to do it acted like it was against the rules. I get paper UP now and only difference is you have to wait until next day to use UP s . I can’t believe they are taking this nation. There is no saving in paper your receipt is long as ever.
I’m in the test area. There were many more than 4 cities–whole states & partial states. I wondered how long it would be before they would roll it out.
Cashiers can’t force you to scan your card first. You have to wait until everything is scanned–purchases & coupons, then let them scan the card. Otherwise it will be a nightmare.
All Ups have a 2 week expiration–weekly or monthly, which isn’t fair.
Absolutely no using UPs immediately–all have a beginning & ending date of use.
I am in Utah, which is a test area. The load to card system was not my favorite. I switched to the paper +UPs, and that has been much better. I would definitely switch to the paper system because when I had the ups on my card, sometimes they wouldn’t show online, even though they were really there, and vice versa. It made it really complicated. I just like having the UP to use however I like, not have to use the most valuable one first, etc. It hasn’t been too bad, it’s just obviously not the greatest to not be able to use them immediately.
I really dislike the new version. It’s made it so easy for me to forget to use my +UPs. Plus, what’s the deal with making the expiration date two weeks away? That is the reason I stopped doing Walgreens. Why do they always change programs when people seem to be happy with them the way they are?
Rite Aid’s program is definitely not user friendly. Why let a company load “money” which is really what it is…not a product specific coupon… onto a loyalty card….then to be forgotten….or worse yet… lose or miss place the card.