Have you ever wondered if you can reuse disposable swim diapers and how to best wash them? Marybeth from Baby Goodbuys shares her tips for reusing disposable swim diapers here.
Do you reuse disposable swim diapers? Have you ever tried cloth swim diapers?
I actually think disposable swim diapers are horrible as they don’t hold any liquid waste whatsoever. I’m a big fan of cloth swim diapers (even though I will gladly use disposable diapers the rest of the day). In the long run, buying 2 cloth swim diapers are much cheaper and dependable than a package of the disposables especially if your kid goes to the pool every week.
I agree. These swimmer diapers are gross.
they are glorified tea bags! GROSS!
I’ve reused swim diapers with all my kids, it saves a lot of money, especially living in Florida!
We use cloth diapers every day and we have a swim diaper. I have used disposable swim diapers and carry one with me to the pool/beach just in case my child goes number two in the cloth one he’s wearing. We’ve saved a fortune in diapers over the years!
I have to say that is just gross to that to your children. Invest in cloth!
I’d rather just use cloth swim diapers, they last longer, are better for the environment, and save us more money. Besides, swim diapers aren’t supposed to hold any liquid, otherwise they’d soak up the pool water too.
Mindy Sue
That is just disgusting! Invest in cloth diapers.
Dizzy Mommy
The only place my kids swim is my parents condo complex, where they is an indoor pool. The HOA regulations clearly state “Huggies/Pampers Little Swimmer Disposable Diapers must be used in the pool and visable to Complex employees (Ex. Diaper must be visable underneath bathing suit, or used as bottom of bathing suit). I don’t really like them but we have to use them or else the little ones cannot swim.
Huh? Wouldn’t it be smarter to buy actual reusable swim diapers than reusing disposable swim diapers?
marybeth @ babygoodbuys.com
Thanks for the link love!
I actually tried washing one of these because I was given some leftovers by a friend. Totally fell apart in the washer. Big mess. Go with reusable cloth.
you can buy one “cloth” reusable swim diaper for about the same price as a whole pack of swim diapers. they hold up better, are more earth-friendly, definitely more economical, and no harmful chemicals in them.
I just bought a pack of disposable swim diapers today (only to avoid the wrath of the Condo RuleMakers- the kids already have cloth ones) and what sticker shock! I was glad to see they were so easily reusable if not, em, “used”. I popped ’em in the wash and they look good as new. Thanks for the tip!
Miss Lena
Thanks i will try the disposable diapers for my kids,Thanks for the concept,