New printables on
- $0.50/1 Angel Soft Toilet Paper (6-pk.)
- $1/1 Sparkle (2-pk.)
- $1/1 Success Rice
- $1/1 Sally Hansen Lip Item
- $0.50/1 Sally Hansen Nail Color
- $0.50/1 Sally Hansen Nail Treatment
- $1/1 La Creme Yogurt
$1/1 Lunchables w/ Water printable
$0.75/1 Wishbone Salad Dressing printable (IE) or printable (FF)
$1/1 Thai Kitchen product (regional)
$2/1 Huggies Pull-Ups printable (IE) or printable (FF)
$2/2 Naked Juices printable (IE) or printable (FF)
$1/1 Wheat Thins printable (IE) or printable (FF)
$1.50/1 Kashi Honey Sunshine Cereal printable
Check out the Deal Seeking Mom Coupon Database to find coupons for your favorite products. New features coming soon, including the ability to submit your coupon finds!
Val Brice
I was at Target today and saw Wishbone salad dressing for 1.50 so only .75 cents with the new printable also I never thought Naked Juice would be cheap enough for me but I found it as a “clearance markdown” so the coupon would make it a good deal.
Does anyone know any zips that have the Thai Kitchen coupon?
92626 I believe I saw
How about the zip code for the Angel Soft? Thanks.
what zip code for sparkle
Thanks Anon, I’ll give it a try!
the lunchable link sends me to the lunch note site – does anyone know how to get the coupon????
you have to make the promise and give your e-mail adress and it takes you right to the coupon
judi drummond
asking again! does anyone have the zip for the sparkle towels? thanks!
Why does it list Angel Soft available as a printable coupon at Redplum but when you go to it, it is not available? Anywhere else to get printable for Angel Soft. The mfr website asks you to register and than limits the prints. Help, please.
If anyone printed out and used the new Lunchable coupons please read my post on my blog about a problem with these Lunchables before you send them to school for your kids. It’s too long to write here. Thanks, Meg