I envy those of you that can take advantage of this great deal at Midwest Price Chopper this week.
Kellogg’s Froot Loops, Corn Pops, Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes are priced at 3/$12 and buy 3 get 3 free, so they’re essentially $2 a box. Depending on you region you should have received either a $1 or a $1.50 off Kellogg’s coupon in the 6/7 RedPlum insert which would make them only $0.50 to $1 a box.
Plus you can pick up a Kellogg’s rebate in store to earn $10 wyb 5 Kellogg’s products or $25 wyb 10 Kellogg’s products in the form of a Price Chopper gift card.
So the best deal scenario looks like this:
Buy (12) boxes of Kellogg’s Cereals listed above, $2 ea.
Use (12) $1.50 Kellogg’s Cereal, exp. 7-19-09 (RP 6/7/09)
Submit for $25 MIR wyb 10 Kellogg’s Cereals
Earn $19 on this transaction!!!
You’ll still earn $13 if you only have the $1 off coupons. But what’s really great?!? Even if you don’t have any coupons at all, it’s still a $1 money maker on 12 boxes of cereal!!!
Thanks to More Than Cents and Courtney for sharing!
Cent Saving Mom
Thanks for the link love and deal share Tara! This deal is awesome, just need to figure out how to sneak more cereal in the house without my Dh noticing. He may think I’ve fallen off my rocker if I keep bringing home more cereal!
Cent Saving Mom´s last blog post..What Did You (Or Could You) Win Wednesday June 10th
Which stores are you finding the rebate forms at? I’ve not had any luck finding them : (
Stacey´s last blog post..Seriously?
Homeland stores in Oklahoma are offering this…I used sales AND coupons for Keeblers, Kelloggs, and Sunshine (aka Cheez-it) products, and then sent in for my rebate, and while it’s a BIT more junk food than I really like to keep around, it’s one heck of a good deal! Plus, since my daughters are either at home or at daycamp with a packed lunch and snacks every day this summer, I need A LOT more packaged foods now.
my PC isn’t doing that deal :( we have a buy 3 for $9 get 2 free poptarts or something like that. and i don’ t think a gc is involved at all
Do you know if this is the Northeast or Midwest Price Chopper? (You’re showing the logo for the Northeast PC). They are two different chains. It looks like our deal is the same as Tina’s above. I will look for a form but I’m doubting this is our regional PC. I’m in NY state. Would have been a great deal for us, though!
Heather´s last blog post..Walgreen’s $5/$25 Wed & Thurs only
This is the MidWest Price Chopper — the stores are not related. The store logo on this post is not for the stores for which this applicable — just to clarify.
And, if you don’t have any coupons, you can actually go to any Price Chopper in the KC Metro area and they have Kellogg’s fruit snacks on sale for $1.49 this weekend. Buy 1
Tracie´s last blog post..Free Card From American Greetings
Sorry — my mouse was haywire! GAH!!!
Anyhow – to finish… buy 10 fruit snacks for $14.90 and then get $25.00 back and you will have made over $10.00!!! This is the best scenario for anyone who doesn’t have any coupons to use.
Here is my blog post about this…..
Tracie´s last blog post..Free Card From American Greetings
Tara Kuczykowski
Oops, sorry about that! Price Chopper is not one of my local stores, so I didn’t realize there were different stores and logos. Off to find the right one . . .
Cent Saving Mom
Yup it’s a Price Chopper Midwest deal and the Gift Card is not advertised it’s just a rebate form that has been had the local stores.
Cent Saving Mom´s last blog post..What Did You (Or Could You) Win Wednesday June 10th
I’ve got a way to make this even sweeter as well: I found a tearpad Q at Hen House several weeks ago for 1 free dozen eggs when you buy 2 Kellogg’s cereals. So I’ll be decimating the cereal AND the egg aisles at the local PC. This is a great deal – thanks to Tracie (KCPennyPinchinMama) and Deal Seeking Mom for posting!
ThriftyPuppy´s last blog post..Junk Food Night: Sponsored by CVS
I did this last week at my Price Chopper (in Kansas City) and posted about it…last week Frosted Mini-Wheats were on sale for $2.50/box, I used 10 $1 coupons and got everything for $15 and will get the $25 rebate back…woo!!
I may have to go back this weekend for the fruit snacks and have the rebate sent to my mom’s house since it’s one per household.
However, I have also heard (but not confirmed) that there are tearpads at some Hen House’s as well for this same deal.
In addition to the fruit snacks and cereal, you could get 10 boxes of Cheezits for $1.99 each and end up with a money maker without coupons for that as well.
There are SO many ways to make money off of this!
The best part is that you only have to send in the receipt and form…no UPCs!
Sara´s last blog post..20% off Bath and Body Works
Where are you finding the rebate forms? I was going to run out to PC this evening and just wondered where to look for them! Thanks-
At my store (in Brookside), there are forms hanging in the cereal aisle, near the fruit snacks, near the crackers, and near the cereal bars. They all had big green signs with the little tear pad attached.
Is the Kellogg’s rebate only valid for PC stores? Albertson’s had a buy 4 cereal get 3 cereal free + 3 free gallons of milk deal this past week… it was already a great deal with coupons, but it would be awesome to combine this with a rebate! Albertson’s is also having an awesome BOGO sale this week, if anyone has one nearby.
all that kelloggs cereal! some boxes march for promo they are running, you collect five tokens off of the pakage and you send away for free movie…. check it out https://www2.kelloggs.com/Promotion/Promotion.aspx
marked—-not march sorry
Dawn – you can also collect these tokens off packages of Club crackers and some other products, which is great because I love Club crackers and tuna salad!
laura,, yes i am already trying to collect for dvds and to get my son a hat! free no shipping, cant beat it!
Oh I know – the free shipping thing is the best part! I also love how Pampers Gifts-to-Grow removed shipping costs from their promotional program. Makes it worth it!
If you find yourself with more than you need, keep that friend, family member or neighbor in mind. A lot of budgets are stretched tight with the employment market the way it is and some groceries are much appreciated by most. If needed, just ask if they would help you out from your pantry overrun. If you don’t know anyone, call a senior center, church or local food bank. The best deals are the ones you can share. What comes around, goes around, those little kindnesses go a long way :)
I think this is a great deal for cereal! For those of you who are already on cereal overload and are lokoing for a way to justify MORE cereal, you can turn it into a homemade snack mix. Take any type of cereal that is easily eaten w/o milk, put it in a 5 gallon bucket lined w/a bag and add other handy snacks. We use marshmallows, pretzels and raisins. Using the 5 gallon bucket, you can snap the lid on tight and it keeps for a long time. It is easy to add to it throughout the summer and a good snack for the kids. We learned this trick during GS camp one year.