It’s Thursday, and hopefully that means new coupons on OldNavyWeekly!
There’s no update from the M80 Newsroom yet this week, but I’ll be watching for information about $75/100 coupons!
I also just received this text message that may give clues to finding a coupon:
Men’s Solid & Striped Hoodies are $12 from 1/15-1/21. Visit Swap the men’s shirts for a special deal.
Not familiar with the Old Navy Weekly coupon craze? Check out their FAQs to learn how to play the game.
Hope many of you get the big ones! Be sure to come back and tell us what you score!
Clicking several times on the yoga pants brings up the 25% off any purchase.
If there is any chance someone could spare an extra coupon I would love to put it to use:) I have 3 kiddos that need clothes, badly:) [email protected]. Thanks!!
My 10 year old got a 50/100 and so did I. Yahoo !!!!
I had planned to click the shoes first before they even updated. I still can’t believe I didn’t update my page every minute. lol Next time I’ll know better. Still those $50 went familiarly fast.
Can someone share $50 off on $100 if they are not using….thanks so much
Too bad they already updated the site :o(
What do you do with water bottle?
i have been trying from the last soooooo many months in vain…and finally today, i got 50/100….clicked on the shoes….im hysteric now!!!
Does anyone know what to do with the water bottle?
I got a 50% off $100! They were gone in less than a minute! has a chat room where everyone helps each other find the big ones.
The water bottle is $5 off a $25 purchase you have to put it up to the lips of the girl holding the bottle originally. It does have to be just right though. Took me forever.
Thanks Kristy, that bottle has my nerves tore up:)
Crissy S.
What is going on the weights in the right super modelquin’s hands?
Hey, this sounds cool! I am lost though…when I go to my browser says it is still updating. What is the website address you go to to play this coupon hunting game? I searched the home page and couldn’t find anything. Just so happens we are heading to old navy tonight as the paper just ran a story about ours closing up at the end of the month, so was going to go check out the deals. A nice coupon to take with us would be great!
If you move the headband from the one girl to the girl beside her it brings up a coupon too.
I missed it too :(
if anyone has an extra 50/100 they’re not going to use, i would love it!
[email protected]
I can find a few coupons, but it won’t let me add the coupon(s). I put in my email address and click add coupon but when I go to the ‘your store coupon” button or ‘make coupon’ button it says I have not added any coupons yet. I am not sure what I am doing wrong; this is my first time.
I’d love a good coupon if anyone has any available. [email protected]. We have 13 mo triplets and just took in teenagers thru foster care.
Thanks so much
What to do with the men’s blue t shirt?
I am a newbie at this, I printed the 10% off because I did not think I could find anything else, then found the 25% off, which I would LOVE to have, so it asks me if I want to send it to a friend, which I was going to send it to my husband, and a white box comes up and nothing ever happens…any suggestions on what the problem might be????
Hi Tara,
Are they going to update the site this week? The old ad is still up from last week……Do you think they would update this at midnight. I’m in Az.
Figured it out. Swap the blue t shirt with the green sleeveless next to it to get $10 off of $50.
I got a 25% off your entire purchase coupon that I’m not going to use if anybody wants it. Please email me ([email protected]) if you want it and I can forward it to you! Thanks!
I just got the water bottle one. Zoom your screen in to get it lined up with mouth.
Thanks for the water bottle tip! You click on the blue shirt and put it on the green one and let go of the clicker, they swap places and its a coupon, but i forget which one!
The old navy 25% off a total purchase coupon has been claimed, thanks!
Move the yoga mat to the girl in the pink jacket for 15% total purchase.
Sorry, that’s 15% women’s yoga pants.