Redplum released more great new coupons today! Unfortunately, this time there’s only one national offer, so be sure to enter your zip code when searching for coupons to see which ones are available in your area! These have all been added to the Deal Seeking Mom Coupon Database to help you with sale matchups as well.
The best coupons always go fast, so don’t wait if you see something you know you will use. Most people don’t realize that there is an overall print limit in addition to the per computer limit, so be sure to print them now because there’s a good chance that they won’t be around by the time a great sale hits!
:: National Offers
:: Regional Offers
- $0.50/1 Bachman Twist or Butter Twist Pretzels
- $1/1 College Inn Aseptic Chicken and Beef Broth
- $0.25/1 Islay’s BBQ Sauce
- $0.35/1 Islay’s Original Chipped Chopped Ham
- $1/1 Libby’s Vegetables
- $1.25/1 Nasoya Silken Style Creations
- $1/1 Nature’s Best Isopure Plus Nutrition or Zero Carb Drink printable
- $5/1 Osteo Bi-Flex Product
- $1/1 Perdue Frozen Fully Cooked Chicken
- B2G1 Any Variety of S&W Beans
Does anyone know the zip code for any of the regional ones (esp. the Libby’s)? I couldn’t even find the national offer, let alone the regional ones.
When I went directly to the ziploc and libby coupons appeared. Try that! :)
What is the zip code for the redplum deals?
going straight to worked for me too! except the libbys says $1 off 4 cans?!
I went straight to the red plum site and got the heftys but no libby
The Libby’s coupons is gone/expired. The College Inn coupon is now $1/2.
Thanks for listing these new q’s!
I don’t have the hefty or any of the ones listed, but I’m looking for the Nasoya and S&W if anyone knows the ZIPs for those…