I had the honor of being a guest on MomAdvice Simplified yesterday, the Blog Talk Radio show hosted by my good friend Amy of MomAdvice.com!
I shared tips on organizing your coupons, how to maximize your savings, and where to find the best coupons. I highly encourage you to listen to the replay because Amy taught me a thing or two as well about shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond!
I had good intentions on posting this yesterday so you all could listen live, but my schedule has been very off this week with my oldest boys on spring break.
Thank you so much for being a guest, Tara! You are a wealth of coupon information and I am so thankful to call you my friend too :) Thank you again for all you do!!
Great show! Just listened.
What exactly did you learn about Bed, Bath, and Beyond? I haven’t had time yet to listen to the replay.