Meijer has a great opportunity to stock up on I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter for your holiday baking. Butter freezes well, so pop it in the freezer to make it last longer.
Buy (2) I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Stick Packages, $1.69 ea.
Get $2 OYNO Catalina wyb 2
Use (2) $1/1 ICBNB coupons (RP 11/15/09) or $0.75/1 ICBNB printable
Use (1) $1/2 ICBNB printable via Meijer Mealbox
Better than FREE after coupons and Catalina!
See more deals at Meijer this week here.
Thanks, Money Saving Mom!
Catalinas were not printing in my store in MI, but I was still getting it for like 19 cents a box (I had the dollar off coupons).
I also live in Michigan and was told my a self checkout cashier that the Catalina printers needed to be reset. The deal runs through November 28th, but the printers had stopped printing the coupons earlier this week. My cashier was VERY nice about it and wrote a generic coupon for me. I’ve heard that some cashiers are refusing completely.
I stocked up on butter on monday using this deal! Just in time for holiday baking!
I bought four of them Sunday and got (4) $2 catalinas, then bought (1) on Tuesday and got none. Is it buy 2 or buy 1, and does anyone know if the catalina printers are working again?
It has been reported that by contacting Catalina Marketing itself, Meijer pulled the promotion on the 17th and that it is no longer working….no one has reported getting catalinas since that point.
Dizzy Mommy
None of the Meijers by me have been able to get the sticks of butter in… there is literally an empty space where they should be. I asked one of the managers and was told they don’t know when they would get them in. I’m outside Detroit.
I went and bought ten of these on Tuesday and did not get any catalinas. I was told they are not giving them out anymore. Went back yesterday just to try and not a single stick available. The spot where they were was filled with something else and the shelf tag was gone. Seems couponers cleaned them out a little faster than expected.. Even though I didn’t get any catalinas 1.90 for 10 packages is like buy one get 9 free, so I am happy.
In my Meijer ad for the week it states on the back page that if you buy one, you get a $2 coupon. I wonder what’s up!
Dizzy Mommy
My store hasn’t had them for awhile according to the manager I talked to he told me they got them in last month and nothing since.
Catalinas were not printing in Ann arbor store.
Fort Wayne, IN stores aren’t printing them. However, nineteen cents for butter is still a good deal in my book!
this deal is good at hy-vee stores too. butter is 3 for $ but you have to buy the sticks. generates a $2 catalina per box and they are rolling. the 75 cent coupon above is dead, but most hy-vees have a blinkie with 75 cent coupons that work.