Wow, let’s all give a big thanks to Becky at Nickels-n-Dimes for compiling this HUGE list of coupon match-ups for the Kroger 10-Item Mega Event. Even better – it’s all in a neat printable format for convenient use!
Thanks, Becky!
Wow, let’s all give a big thanks to Becky at Nickels-n-Dimes for compiling this HUGE list of coupon match-ups for the Kroger 10-Item Mega Event. Even better – it’s all in a neat printable format for convenient use!
Thanks, Becky!
Just be aware that Kroger now only accepts 2 printable coupons per transaction. YMMV but it seems to be pretty widespread.
Deal Seeking Mom
Where are you located, Ellen? I haven’t experienced this issue in the Columbus, OH area.
Becky (Nickels-n-Dimes)
Thank you Tara.
I have not had any printables issues either here in the Cincy area. This is not saying it’s not the case – I just have not experienced it myself.
Stephanie Bruce
diaper deal? for those with little ones i haven’t see these on the blogs anywhere thought i would throw my two cents in lol.
Dillons KS (aka Kroger everywhere else)
Huggies 9.99
5 from
1.50 Shortcuts
1.oo cellfire or 3 off two cellfire
1.50 on supreme or 1.oo of any upromise
makes them 2.49 out of pocket but 1.49 if you include the upromise deposit.
not sure if i got that quite right but it almost makes me wish my kids weren’t potty trained.
Paula H
No issues with internet coupons in central Indiana either. Not saying there aren’t limits in other places. Sorry to hear that.
laura b
lafayette indiana kroger will only accept 3 coupons per transaction per person per day printable or not. and only one coupon per item. they have forever lost my business to meijer. its too bad because they are only 3 blocks from my house and now i drive 6 miles to get to meijer. ive tried speaking with the manager and even emailing to no avail……..
I need some free toletpaper can someone tell me how I can stockpile this?
I need to know too. Jennifer let me know if you find out.
My Kroger will only allow 2 printable coupons too…just started it this week. Im in Eastern Indiana
hien lennartson
Oh , i dint not know kroger only allow 2 printable coupons . Somebody please let me know how to use the coupons .Example ,i had 2 $.50 off coupon (same kind ) .So can i douple it ,and make it become $1.00 off to buy a item ? help me please .thanks
hien lennartson
plase contact me at [email protected]