There’s a hot new $1/1 Philadelphia Cream Cheese printable coupon available. This should make for some ultra-cheap or even FREE cream cheese! However, getting it is a little tricky:
- Visit Real Women of Philadelphia.
- Click “Sign In” on the right-hand side.
- Create a new account.
- Check your email and click on the verification link.
- Go back to the home page. Look on the right-hand side for your coupon!
Thanks, Southern Savers!
saw your blog featured on the my sample showcase website today.
i hope they do another one soon. :-)
Tara Kuczykowski
Oh, fun! Thanks for letting me know. I really hope they do another soon as well!
There is one more step to do in order to make this work (at least, this is how it worked for me)…after clicking the link to verify your account, you must create your identity by giving them your name and location, etc. Only then will the coupon show up on the home page. I tried to get the coupon without creating my identity, but it only showed up once I gave them the info.
THANKS for this one, kind of a pain to get it, but I’m happy I did! :) The coupon is on the borrom right, you have to scroll down once you go back to the homepage. And the email you get is from EQAL, so of course it went straight to junk mail, but I found it. GOOD LUCK ladies, and thanks again!
ugh- i’ve done all that and i cant find the coupon………………..
Maria S.
Is anyone else waiting longer than usual for the comfirmation email to show up? Yep, I did enter my email correctly, I even signed up with another one and still waiting, checked spam too.
This will be a great coupon, and make up for not getting the “cinderella” coupon earlier due to the bogged down site.
Make sure you check your junk email. I totally missed it even after checking my junk email. It’s titled a really goofy way. It was from EQAL and the subject was CONGRATULATIONS. Hope this helps. :)
Got it – thanks!
Karrie Richert
I got it, and I was able to print it TWICE. Thank you!
deb pritchett
This could pair nicely with the $1. Publix Q in the current Advantage Buy Flyer.
Crystal McAllister
I did all this, and there was no coupon. What did I do wrong? Are they not giving out any more coupons?
Tara Kuczykowski
I can still see it, Crystal. Make sure you’re logged in when you view the homepage.
no luck. cant find the coupon
click on “Home” that’s in blue not at the very top that is brown. scroll down and it will be on the right. it will let you print it twice but you have to log in again.
Ruth Smither
This one was a real challenge! The email to confirm took a really long time. I agree with all the previous comments. But persistence paid off and I am the proud owner of two $1 off coupons! Thanks to everyone for all your helpful comments.