Jenny at Southern Savers has compiled a huge list of the best deals to be found at Harris Teeter tomorrow for their triple coupons week ā and when I say huge, we’re talking 35 FREE items plus more!
Find my faves below, and then check out her site for the complete list!
New to couponing? Read up on what all of these abbreviations mean first in my quick reference guide.
:: Buy One Get One Deals
Glass Plus (32-oz.), $2.79
$0.50/1 Glass Plus Product, exp. 6-14-09 (SS 3/22/09)
FREE after coupons!
Spray n’ Wash (22-oz.), $3.29
$0.50/1 Spray n’ Wash, exp. 6-14-09 (SS 5/3/09)
$0.75/1 Spray nā Wash with Resolve Power printable
FREE after coupons!
Thomas English Muffins (6-ct.), $2.99
$0.50/1 Thomas English Muffins (SS 5/3/09)
FREE after coupons!
:: Other Weekly Deals
Capri Sun Drinks (10-pk.), $1.99
$0.75/1 Capri Sun Drink (Kraft Food & Family Summer ’09)
FREE after coupons!
Eggo Waffles, $1.66
$0.75/1 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Product, exp. 5-31-09 (V 4/5/09)
FREE after coupons!
:: Free Items With Tripling
Mahatma Rice (5-oz. packet), $0.89
$0.75/2 Mahatma Rice Mixes, exp. 5-31-09 (V 3/1/09)
$0.75/2 Mahatma Rice Mixes, exp. 7-31-09 (V 4/26/09)
FREE after coupons!
Pringles Potato Crisps Super Stack, $1.50
$0.50/1 Pringles Snack Stacks, Stix, Minis, or Select Product, exp. 6-30-09 (P&G 5/17/09)
FREE after coupons!
Hot Pockets Panini, $2
$0.75/1 Hot Pockets Panini, exp. 7-26-09 (SS 4/26/09)
FREE after coupons!
Check out Southern Savers for more deals!
Jennifer Laxson
Where is this store? Are there any in NorthEast Houston?
Tara Kuczykowski
I think they’re in Southern states, Jennifer. We don’t have any here in Ohio that I’m aware of.
The triple coupons start on Monday in Maryland…just an FYI
Thanks, here in Virginia Beach, VA this starts today(Wednesday)!!
Just wanted to say thanks! I went to Harris Teeter near here in North Carolina. I spent 62 cents and saved $58.00 or so!
RyansDad´s last blog post..Wow, This Stuff Really Works!! Harris Teeter Triple Coupons
Tara Kuczykowski
Ooh, fantastic job!!! My hubby is slowly warming to using coupons when he goes to the store for me. It’s nice to see that more men are open to them these days!
Just wanted to say on my trip to HT the Skintimate shaving cream was $2.00(or free with .75 Q tripled), Dukes mayo $2( or .50 with .50 Q tripled) Kraft bar b q sauce $1.79( or free with .75 Q tripled) spent a little over a dollar for those groceries and some bananas!!
max macdonald
Where is the best place(s) to get the coupons that are avail to use for triple/double etc? The sunday paper only is not that great to me! Maybe I am just not looking in the correct place:)
LOVE to grocery shop…………..and REALLY want to get this coupon thing going FULL force3 :)
Raleigh NC…….
thanks for the help
Tara Kuczykowski
Hi Max! You can find coupons from a number of sources. If you click on the Coupons tab at the top of each page there’s a list of resources. Plus you can generally find blogs that match up the best deals for you and tell you where to find the coupons. Good luck!
Publix still has May coupons
I have a question if something is on sale for 2.00 and you have a 2.25 coupon can you use it on the item?