Got a great giveaway going on this week? List it here so other Deal Seeking Mom readers can find it easily and enter. Have you won a giveaway? I’d love to hear if you have.
Stay tuned for more giveaways coming up this week, including a super yummy one . . .
Every Sunday I’ll start a new post with a Mr. Linky for you all to share your awesome giveaways with Deal Seeking Mom readers! If you have a giveaway you’d like to list, just leave your link below.
To keep it neat, I suggest that you list your blog name and then the the item you’re giving away in parentheses, ex. Deal Seeking Mom (Flip Digital Video Camera). The only requirement is that you link directly to the giveaway. Links directly to your homepage will be deleted.
Good luck to all!!!
Janet F
Thank you!
Janet F´s last blog post..Coupon Inserts Giveaway
Thanks for your weekly round-up of give-a-ways! Your readers are great!
Colette´s last blog post..Gift Certificate Give-A-Way!
Thank you!
Jaemi´s last blog post..Homemade/DIY Moisturizing Face Scrub
I love entering giveaways (though I rarely win) so thanks for getting them all in one place!
Heather´s last blog post..MOPS
Thanks I just posted all my giveaways!
Cher´s last blog post..Free Weight Loss Program from Slimfast
As always, thanks for doing this! I also keep forgetting to mention I saw you in ALL YOU! You go girl!
Angie´s last blog post..The Quiet Kills Me Cuz It Screams the Truth
DebbieLynne (On The Banks of Stony Creek)
I’ve won several giveaways the past few weeks – thanks for the links!
DebbieLynne (On The Banks of Stony Creek)´s last blog post..Get Marley & Me For Free
Nicole Feliciano
Thanks for this listing. I added a link to your site on this post:
Nicole Feliciano´s last blog post..Green Up Your Dinner
Thank you for hosting this!