I talked a little bit the other day about how we’ve learned to stick to our budget yet still treat ourselves by using coupons. The Entertainment Book is one of our favorite resources for recreational coupons.
A quick flip through my local 2010 Entertainment Book reveals that it’s packed full of BOGO coupons for restaurants we love, as well as big savings at local movie theaters, theme parks, and even retail stores like Aeropostale and World Market. The price is more than worth the savings to be gained from it. Plus you can now register online and you’ll have access to more local coupons that are updated throughout the year!
Three lucky Deal Seeking Mom readers will win a copy of the 2010 Entertainment Book for their hometown, each packed with hundreds of discounts and coupons!
To enter, tell me what you splurge on with the money you save from couponing and living frugally! Do you love to eat out? Do you have a favorite dessert or coffee drink that you can’t resist? Do you love expensive purses or fashion accessories?
Every reader has four methods available to enter this contest. Choose one each of any combination of method one, two, three, or four for up to a total of 4 entries!!!
Methods of entry:
1. Leave a comment. Tell me where you splurge!
2. Add Deal Seeking Mom to your blogroll or add my badge to your sidebar. Make sure to come back and leave the link to your site in a separate comment!
3. Join the Deal Seeking Mom Forums to chat about your great finds, special coupon codes, and chances to win exclusive giveaways. Leave a separate comment letting me know you’ve joined or that you’re already a registered user!
4. Subscribe to my feed via RSS or email. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry! Leave a separate comment letting me know you have done so. If you’re already a subscriber, simply leave a separate comment letting me know you’re already subscribed. Lovin’ my subscribers! You guys make this all possible.
(3) 2010 Entertainment Books
This giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, 9/28. I’ll use Random.org to select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email on and listed on my Giveaway Winners page. Good luck!
While you’re in a contest entering mood, don’t forget to check out the Giveaway Gathering for a variety of contests being hosted on Deal Seeking Mom readers’ blogs!
I don’t have a particular thing to splurge on; just whatever I want at the time. For instance, this month I splurged by spending money on a facebook video game.
I joined the forums and subscribed to your email! Too bad I don’t have a web page :(
Sara H.
I splurge once a month or so when I buy a latte or mocha at Starbucks. Pumpkin spice lattes= yummy!
Sara H.
I am a subscriber.
When we splurge, we eat out at our favorite Mexican restaurant!
I am a subscriber
Sarah L.
When I have some extra money I like to buy essential oils. I consider lavender and tea tree to be necessary oils, but then I’ll get sandalwood or some other one I don’t have.
Sarah L.
button: https://slehan.blogspot.com/
Sarah L.
subscribe to RSS
Sarah L.
member of forums: slehan
One Frugal Girl
I splurge on super soft sheets!
One Frugal Girl
I subscribe.
I am saving for a Pandora bracelet