Head to IHOP for breakfast this morning and get one FREE short stack (3 pancakes) of their famous buttermilk pancakes!
Thanks to Kelly at Faithful Provisions for sharing!
Then head to Jack in the Box for 2 FREE tacos for lunch!
Thanks, Kendahle!
Now that you’ve got two meals on the house, what’s for dinner?
I can’t get the Jack-in-the box link to work.
Deal Seeking Mom
That’s the correct link. They still it linked to their home page, so I’m not sure what’s going on. You could try emailing their customer service, Melissa, or they may honor the offer without the coupon at your store.
I can’t submit my info for the Victoria Secret free stuff. I filled in all the required info, but there is no security code to re-type and it won’t let me submit. Have any ideas??
Deal Seeking Mom
It did that to me too at first earlier, Teresa. I would just try back in a bit, and hopefully they will fix it again.