I’ll admit I haven’t had Cream of Wheat in years.
I remember my grandma used to make me the original flavor on her stovetop when we stayed with her. She’d fix it with a sprinkle of sugar and milk poured on top.
B&G Foods wants you to give Cream of Wheat a try again, so they’re sending out free Cream of Wheat samples in your choice of flavor.
Choose from:
- Original
- Maple Brown Sugar
- Cinnamon Swirl
- Apples & Cinnamon
- Strawberries & Cream
I decided to give the Maple Brown Sugar a try. What flavor did you select? Do you have fond memories of eating Cream of Wheat when you were little?
cinnamon swirl :) sounds pretty good!
sue roberts
original. yummy! I like it lumpy, with milk and a pinch of salt. Thank you!
sue roberts´s last blog post..I’m working on creating a manageable schedule for myself
I went with the Cinnamon Swirl. Thank you. :)
I don’t think I have ever had Cream of Wheat, but I’m going to try the Apples & Cinnamon. Thanks for posting!
Whitney´s last blog post..Tuesday Routine
My husband likes it. I went for Maple Brown Sugar.
I went with Maple Brown Sugar. I love the stuff. A warm breakfast really hits the spot in the cold winter months.
BusyMom´s last blog post..Keeping up on Laundry
Cinnamon Swirl.
I, too, have fond memories of eating it before school on winter days. I’m almost tempted to get a box now! But I’ll wait. Hopefully there is a coupon included!
Linda´s last blog post..Family Update
I went for the original. Haven’t had Cream of Wheat in probably 20 years.
Thanks for the heads up!
I have fond memories of eating cream of wheat as an adult…lol! I love the stuff! I’ve only ever had the original, so I’m going with the Strawberries and Cream. :)
Patricia Barton
Oh yeah…there were some nights we ate it for dinner! When it was really cold outside. I get nostalgic just thinking about it. Mmm. I always dolloped a generous heap of brown sugar on the piping hot Cream of Wheat and some milk.
I chose the Cinnamon Swirl to try. Thanks for letting me know about this offer!
Maple Brown Sugar for me…ymmmm…THANKS!
Ruth Ann
I’m trying Cinnamon Swirl. We never ate cream of wheat growing up, we always had oatmeal or rice cereal (like you give to babies) if we had hot cereal. I’m not sure how we missed Cream of Wheat.
I always had the Coco Wheat growing up, grandma always made that for us when we had sleep overs. I ordered the Maple Brown Sugar.
Brown sugar…yum!
Thankyou for letting me know about this freebie sample. I chose the strawberries and cream sample…yum !
Debbie´s last blog post..He Is On His Own Now, Is He Happy?
Ray Cronin
I would love Strawberry & Cream. My wife and I have looked everywhere and can’t find it.