I’m a huge advocate of slow cooker recipes for making meal preparation simple and easy, so I’m really excited to try out many of the recipes in this FREE Kindle download of Not Your Mother’s Slow Cooker Recipes for Entertaining.
Don’t have a Kindle? Don’t worry — there’s a new free Kindle PC edition so you can open this great cookbook right from your desktop.
Thanks, Pink Coupon Cafe!
Angela Prince
I could not find the free book. They had it for $2.95
Thank you I downloaded it to my kindle for free!
Tara Kuczykowski
Angela, when you click on the link in the post it should come up first. It will say Buy: $0.00 next to it.
AWESOME!! Just downloaded it…thanks!
At the amazon.com site, it will only let me download the sample pages which is the introduction to the book. I was not able to download the entire book without paying for it. I did not get any of the recipes.
Awesome! I just downloaded my first Kindle book. Thanks!
Best Registry Cleaners
Thanks for this – I used it on my Kindle and it’s really great!!
Amazon has it listed for $9 + change. How did ppl get the Kindle download for free? One Amazon reviewer was able to download it for free as of yesterday (Jan. 5, 2009). Help!