The following is a guest post from Mandi Ehman, the Deal Seeking Mom Project Administrator:
Tara has mentioned before that she saved up her Swag Bucks and purchased a Kindle Reading Device earlier this year. As someone who also loves to read but doesn’t seem to do it nearly as often now that I have four little ones, I was definitely intrigued when Tara told me that she reads so much more now that she can simply load books to her Kindle and stick it in her purse. I loved the idea of having a library of books with me all the time and being able to read one-handed while nursing or bouncing a baby.
Of course, the thing holding me back was the cost of the books. Because we live in the boonies without a good library system, we have a set book budget each month of $20. I’m able to purchase books at wholesale price through a family member to help stretch that budget, and looking at’s $9.99 price for new releases, I just wasn’t sure I could reconcile my budget and reading habits with the cost of the books.
As I began looking around the Kindle store, I was very excited to discover that Amazon offers over 7,000 free Kindle books, and I finally purchased a Kindle with some Christmas money I received. I’ve only had it for 24 hours, but I already love it, and I’m loading it up with a library of free books!
To find free Kindle books, simply visit any category page in the Kindle store and sort by Price: Low to High. As you click through the categories, your results will stay sorted by price so that you can quickly find free books to download.
Many of these are public domain classics, including:
- Pride & Prejudice
- Little Women
- Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- The Scarlet Letter
Other times the free books are the first in a series, with obvious hopes that you’ll buy more, such as:
And as Tara has mentioned before, there are also books like Not Your Mother’s Slow Cooker Recipes for Entertaining available for free download.
If you don’t have a Kindle but are interested in reading these books, you can download the Kindle reader for your iPhone or PC!
Do you have a Kindle? Is it something you’ve been considering?
You can also use the kindle/nook apps on your smart phones. I use my droid phone and have the kindle app, and the nook app and a couple others. Because sometimes, nook will have big sales (3 for 99 cents each) and other times kindle has better books for free. And since I already take my phone everywhere, I’m not carrying anything extra.
There is a blog I found when my family gave me my Kindle in Feb – and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Covers all the ereaders, up to date pretty much on a daily basis, and other tidbits of info too – – Karen owns the blog and privides the links, and most often a description of the book, and if it’s free on Kindle, Nook, Kobo etc… She also provides posts like “books under $1” etc
Check to see if your library has eBooks. Most public libraries use a service called Overdrive as a vendor for eBooks. Overdrive now has Kindle format on books where there is a Kindle format. You check them out for 2 weeks like any other library book. My library doesn’t yet have this service, but I understand that you may not even have to visit a library to download the eBooks.
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I just got a kindle for my birthday today. thanks for sharing :)
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