Be watching your inbox for for a coupon for a FREE 10 Pack of CVS AA Batteries valid Wednesday, September 7 only with any $15 purchase. The coupon is valid for your card only and is not transferable.
Barbara from ClipperGirl’s Saving Spot is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for CVS. At ClipperGirl’s Saving Spot, she saves her readers time and money by finding rock bottom prices on items that they use every day.
O. Rivera
I got the coupon but I normally don’t spend $15 worth.
I got the coupon and I’m trying to find $15 worth to buy this week. I believe the total is before coupons and includes the $4.99 for the batteries. I’m thinking of the following: Batteries $4.99, Carefree $1, Hershey’s Air Effects .99, Dove .79, Keebler Granola 2/$5, Skintimate 1.99 which will leave me with .24 to purchase so hopefully they will have something in the 75% off summer stuff left to fill that much. After coupons I expect the total to be around $6 and I would get $3.99 in EB. Crossing my fingers it works :)
Jani Whaley
I ended up purchasing $35 worth of items so I could use the coupon. We always need batteries. Then I gave her all my other coupons and the total was $9.12!! Good deal…Thank you!!!
Sadly, I went to several stores and they were out of almost everything I wanted except the batteries. I didn’t end up spending the $15 so no batteries for me. Glad you were able to get them :)