It’s been a long time since we saw a legitimate CVS printable $/$$ coupon. The wait is over – get a $5/$25 CVS printable coupon for watching a short video and taking a quick quiz on their new ReadyFill prescription program!
Note: The coupons print with an individual number on them. Though you will be able to print multiples, only one per computer may be redeemed.
This should sweeten up the weekly deals at CVS some. In case you are newer to the drugstore game, these coupons are deducted before manufacturer coupons, so this is a great way to lower your out of pocket costs!
Thanks, Jessica!
Tried using this Q today and their systems beep. It gives an error msg that the coupon does not start for two more days. The manager had to be called over to push it through as the checker would not oblidge–even after showing him that the Q only had an expiration date (no to-from date). Just fyi….
You may want to make a note that this doesn’t seem to print using Firefox. The video worked fine and the coupon came up, but then wouldn’t print. I had to watch the video all over again using Internet Explorer and then the coupon printed ok.
P.S. Love your blog!
Gracie Cappello
I have firefox and this printed.
Hmm…when I click on this link, it brings up “info” about the RediFill program, but nothing about a coupon, and there is no video to watch. Did CVS pull it like they do every other good deal once word gets out? I really wish they would issue a coupon/deal, etc. and then STICK WITH IT rather than pull it when people use it – what do they think is going to happen?
I was unable to print from Firefox. I had no problem printing from Explorer.
Amanda Angert
Does anyone know if this is tied to your CVS card? I printed one from my computer and used it today (note: the cashier said the same thing — that it didn’t start until the 10th but pushed it through anyway) and I also printed one from hubby’s computer. Can I use that one as well or when they scan my card will it show up that I already used one?
I couldn’t find this coupon either, just got info about the RediFill program and no video.
Tara Kuczykowski
Maureen, you have to click where it says “Start Quiz Now.” You’ll get the coupon at the end of the quiz.
I have tried this link multiple times, and I do not see anything about a quiz, or video. Here is the link to the page I see when I click on the link above….can anyone help by posting the actual https: address so that I can try to cut & paste? Thanks!
Beth in Dublin, OH
FYI-My coupon has an expiration date of 14 days from today, which is when I printed it. Now all I have to do is see how I can redeem it to my very best advantage!
Tara Kuczykowski
Lisa, when I click that link I see “Test your health IQ and get $5 off a $25 purchase in-store” with the “Start Quiz Now” button next to it. The only thing I can think of is that maybe it’s geo-targeted based on your location.
Thanks, Tara.
I use Internet Explorer, and thought maybe Firefox would yield a different result, so I just downloaded it and now I see the quiz & got my coupon. Yay!! For anyone else having issues like I did, try Firefox!
I just took the test and was able to print my $5 off coupon. Woo hoo…it worked.
Worked great. Thanks!
worked great for me- just take the quiz and at the end- print coupon- go to the coupon and hit print again
Thanks for the info! I have been trying to print in Firefox and it would not work. I finally switched over to IE and I was able to print without a problem. Mine expires on 9/12, so this will be great to use with the $2 Glade coupons next week. Thanks!
I watched the video twice and took the quiz twice, but no coupon ever appeared. Maybe it used to do this, but it doesn’t seem to happen now. All I saw was where I should sign up for the CVS prescription program. Thanks anyway.
I watched the video and answered the questions. No coupon or indication that there is a coupon anywhere.
I took the quiz and answered everything right. No box popped up that I could click on in order to get either a $25 or $5 coupon. I would suggest removing this ad since I did it over a week ago and it didn’t work then, either.
In addition to my previous comment, might this be a coupon that appears at the bottom of a CVS receipt once we buy something from that store? Or, was the offer about the coupon discontinued?
the quiz isn’t loading!!!!!!