Here is a scenario for you to be able to get the Cars 2 Blu-Ray DVD Combo Pack for only $0.99 at Walgreens this week!
Cars 2 Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Pack, $25.99
$5/1 Cars 2 Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Pack Coupon
$10 MIR from Johnson & Johnson
$10 MIR from Kimberly-Clark
$0.99 after coupon and mail in rebates!
Note: Photocopies of register receipts ARE accepted on both of these rebates, and there are reportedly two UPCs on the combo pack too! So you can apply for more than one rebate for this deal.
Thanks, Faithful Provisions!
Or buy the Cars 2 5-disc 3D blu-ray combo pack at Best Buy this week for $24.99, use the coupon to make it $19.99, and the rebates make it free.
As a bonus, you can also get a blue Lightning McQueen R/C car for $9.99 with this purchase.
that’s sweet, thanks!
We purchased the 5-disc combo pack and it does have 2 UPC’s!
I bought the one at Target and it only has one! I already bought the other products necessary for the two rebates and I am NOT happy!
I cannot get Disney to let me join or find my password already in their database, but it says I am already in there. Can you help?
Same thing happend to me.
I had to use a diffrent e-mail to set up a new account and then it worked.
I had the same problem. It was a while back, but I think I sent them an e-mail and they fixed it for me.
I am not able to get to the johnson & johnson link. Can you tell me a little more about the rebate offer?
I bought it.But it was $32.99 for Cars2 combo pack. I used $5.00 coupon, but paid, $27.99.
You also have to buy 10 dollars wort of Johnson and Johnson products
The $5.00 coupon expires 11/6/11
When you buy the J&J or KC products for these rebate offers, can you use coupons for the items? If so, do you use the original price, or the price adjusted after coupons?
“$10 dollars worth” and “$20 dollars worth” wording tell me that the products just have to be WORTH that; it doesn’t matter what I actually pay after coupons. Am I understanding this right? I don’t do a lot of rebates, so just want to be sure I don’t mess this one up.
Yeah, having to buy that much product offsets the savings….
Unless you’re already buying the products anyway. We go through quite a bit of paper towels, band aids/neo and kleenex so it isn’t anything extra for us. We’d be buying the stuff anyway. And you have until the end of the year to accumulate the purchases.
Walmart had the 5 disc on the coupon for 24.96, probably a price match to a Best Buy not far away. It was not on the price sticker but rang up 24.96
This coupon is only for the 5 disk, the 2 disk ($25.99) is what is on sale and in the ad at Walgreen’s. No Deal :-(
I bought the 2 disc combo pack at Walmart and the coupon worked just fine for me. I didn’t even see a 5 disc pack on their big Cars 2 display – I don’t know that there is such a thing. Everything I saw was 2 disc – the DVD and the Blu-ray.
SWEETNESS!!! The funny thing is.. I bought Cars 2, band aids, neo 2 go, and cottonelle with out knowing about this!!! Thanks!!
FYI – In this past Sunday’s paper there was also a Rayovak battery MIR for Cars 2 for $5 making this movie free. Also, if you go to TRU they are giving away a free Cars 2 clock with the purchase of the Blu Ray. It says it has an ARV of $14.
There is a $5 off coupon on Cars fruit snacks. It says you can buy just the DVD with that coupon.
Ashley Davis
Purchased the CARS 2 Combo back at my Arkansas Kroger store for $23.99-$5.00 coupon made it $18.99 and I am sending for my $10 rebate from Johnson and Johnson as well as my $10 rebate from Kimberly-Clark! I MADE $2.00!
do you have to buy all products at same store same time???
Target & Fred Meyer are advertising $5 GC or voucher if you buy $25 (target) and $20 (fm) Kimberly Clark products in one transaction but rebate says to circle the “price” on each receipt then submit (also believe photo copies are ok)
Toys R Us deal…bought Winnie the pooh blu ray $22.99 – $5 Disney rewards q – $10 when you reserve a copy of Cars 2. Bought a box of Kellogg fruit snacks $2.04 @ target that had $5 off cars 2 DVD/blu ray combo pack q then bought Cars 2 (2 disc pack) $29.99 – $5 Kellogg q and got a Cars 2 clock (retail $15)…comes with 2 UPC’s for J&J + KC rebates. Final OOP $2.04 fruit snacks, $30 worth of products using as many q as possible, $6.50 each for both movies (DVD/blu ray combo) and a free clock :)
Having problem downloading the coupon printer. Anyone know how to fix my problem?
I can’t find anywhere where the movie is that price! Every walgreens, best buy, target & walmart I’ve called has it for $35 and up. I wanted to use this coupon today before it expires but I’m not buying the movie if it cost me that much.. :(
The Disney rewards coupon says only for the 5 disc 3d combo pack. Specially marked boxes of Kellogg fruit snacks have a $5 coupon on the back. I found the fruit snacks @ target $2.04 and Fred Meyer $2.19 which can be used on the DVD or DVD/blu ray which are less than $30
I only see one proof of purchase on my 5-disc blueray combo pack I got yesterday! :(
Where is the 2nd one? I got mine from Walmart… I see the UPC on the sticker.. is there another one underneath it all? I don’t want to unwrap this if I can’t get both rebates.. I want to be able to return it if this doesn’t work out. :)
On my combo pack there are 2 proofs of purchase under the movie sleeve on the back.
Amanda- unfortunately you have to take the plastic wrap off to see it. I was apprehensive at first too, afraid I’d have a package without them. But once you take the plastic off, under the big white UPC are the little proofs of purchase printed on the sleeve insert.
Just came across your site looking for Cars Combo. LOVE your website!!! I will be coming back!