continues to offer new magazine subscriptions at amazingly low prices every month! While there are a lot of magazines that you can get free without ever paying for a subscription, these prices can’t be beat for the magazines you love and don’t want to wait for until you happen across a freebie.
Remember, if you already have a subscription to any of these, you can still take advantage of the deals to extend your subscription. Just make sure you use the same name and address. If you happen to receive duplicates anyway, just call customer service and ask them to combine the subscriptions.
Receive a $5 gift certificate to with the purchase of any of these magazines:
- Family Fun (1-yr.), $9.95
- Redbook (2-yr.), $10
- Marie Claire (2-yr.), $10
- Maxim (1-yr.), $10
Thanks to Briana at Bargain Briana!
John DeFlumeri Jr
That’s a good break for those magazines!
Does anyone know if these auto-renew? I got stuck with some very expensive “auto-renewals” recently and now I’m scared of really good magazine deals — these prices seem too good to be true!
has anyone received thier all you mag subscription yet when we got it super cheap thru the southern living website?
I have not received my subscription yet and I am getting frustrated. I really thought that I would get it this month, because when I logged in to ALL YOU it said that my subscription expired in Oct. 2010. I almost bought one at WalMart today but I didn’t want to come home and find it waiting for me in the mail(no such luck).
Kristina and Evonne,
I haven’t received my subscription for All You yet either. I don’t know when or if it’s going to arrive at this point. I am frustrated as well.
Which magazines do you guys think are the best to have other than the ALL YOU for coupons and recipes?
I also havent received my All You yet and it says Oct 2010. I almost forgot about it.
Kristina, Ive been doing the same thing every time im at walmart, its like should i buy it or will it be waiting for me when i get home lol i guess the worst thing that would happen is i would have 2 copies and twice as many coupons, still i hope it arrives soon
I called All You customer service today and they told me that my subsription will start in November. They also said that it expires in October 2011. So I guess we buy them until November. If you want to call about yours here is the phone number I called, 1-877-604-2745 .
cheryl kiepper
I dont pay anything for magazines through rewardsgold and other places that I find on the frugal blogs I read. I get more than 13 free mags and never a penny. So dont pay-just started getting marie claire this week for FREE!
Thanks so much kristina !
Mama Champ
Kate most cheap subscriptions auto renew for $30-$40 year subscription which of course is ridiculous. But they always notify you before you are charged so that you can cancel. You have to keep your eye out for these notices. Mine came in the form of a small, fine print post card! Its a great deal IF you stay on top of the fine print.