I’ve shared numerous tips for saving time and money over the years, but I think this is one of my favorites, simply because it requires very little effort… Are you ready for this? Clean out your refrigerator each week before you grocery shop!
Yes, really, it’s that simple. Are you eyeing your computer screen right now, wondering if I’ve completely lost it? I promise you it works, and here are four ways a weekly fridge clean out will save your hard-earned cash:
Use up those leftovers — I’m notorious for forgetting to use up leftovers from dinner or letting half eaten containers of berries get pushed to the back of the refrigerator. Weekly cleaning makes it easier to get to those items and ensures that we finish them off before they spoil.
It’s easier to see what you need — Because my husband and I share the grocery shopping duties, it’s not unusual for us to end up with multiples of some staples. By doing a quick stock check before shopping, it’s easy to see at a glance that we have multiple containers of whipped cream cheese for breakfast or several packages of sliced cheese for lunch already, and therefore don’t need to purchase them right now.
You’ll eliminate extra trips to the store — When you’re giving the fridge a quick once-over, you may notice that you’re low on ketchup or ranch dressing, so you can pick them up on a regular shopping trip. Those last-minute trips to pick up extra ingredients are the ones that really add up and put a dent in your budget!
Putting groceries away is faster — It’s so nice to come home from the grocery store to a clean refrigerator. There’s plenty of room to put groceries away quickly, without a lot of reorganizing to make everything fit.
To be clear, when I refer to a weekly fridge clean out, I’m not talking about a total deep clean. I simply pitch spoiled items, wipe down the shelves, and organize what’s left, taking maybe 10 minutes tops. It still needs a deep clean about once a month, but the positive is that deep cleaning takes far less time when you’re maintaining it in between!
This post was brought to you by Kimberly-Clark’s Pick Up The Values, a program dedicated to providing families with helpful tips and convenient value to stretch their budgets. Don’t forget to download your valuable coupons on the Pick Up The Values website, including $1 off a 6-pk. of Viva Paper Towels, perfect for helping with that weekly fridge clean out!
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